HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Ringout out 2010 with the start of a 5K and and ringing in 2011 finishing a 5K!!! What a great way to start a new year....leaving with good habits and beginning with great habits. It's actually pretty warm tonight for Dec 31st and especially for a run at midnight. I can't wait to go down to McFaddens and get this run underway. I hope everyone has a happy and safe new years eve and a great 2011!!!!
p.s. i'm going to be exhausted by midnight when the race starts...wasn't able to get a nap in and this old lady usually can't stay up til midnight ....but then Jenn and I are driving to the mountains (after a quick stop at Roy Rodgers on the turnpike =) ) and tomorrow night there will be a dance off!!!!
A blog of 2 women on a weight loss and get fit journey! A Mom and a Career Woman!! Follow along our ups and downs as we try all sorts of interesting classes and workouts!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
HOliday fun! (jenn
Can you have too much holiday fun?!?!? LOL! Yes you can! I am so sick of food and beer! I think I am going to fast for three days! Well not really but bann all junk food and cookies from my house! LOL!
This holiday has been busy and fun and I have been doing ok, if I gained I wouldn't be surprised!
But I will be ok with that! I have been going to the gym and running when we can! we have the run on New year Eve! Yes at midnight we are going to run a 5k around The Link! R we crazy...yes we are! But for me it is going to be a start to a good year or being healthy and working out!
So in kelly's post earlier she talked about Just Dance 2...All I have to say is...GO GET IT!!! It is so fun and a pretty good workout! My arms and calves are a little sore from playing it for almost 2 hours last night! I have no rhythm and can't dance to save my life but this game makes you think you can...It is very funny and going to be even more fun when we get my mom and aunt to do it! LOL!
I hope everyone had a great holiday and has a safe and awesome new year!!
This holiday has been busy and fun and I have been doing ok, if I gained I wouldn't be surprised!
But I will be ok with that! I have been going to the gym and running when we can! we have the run on New year Eve! Yes at midnight we are going to run a 5k around The Link! R we crazy...yes we are! But for me it is going to be a start to a good year or being healthy and working out!
So in kelly's post earlier she talked about Just Dance 2...All I have to say is...GO GET IT!!! It is so fun and a pretty good workout! My arms and calves are a little sore from playing it for almost 2 hours last night! I have no rhythm and can't dance to save my life but this game makes you think you can...It is very funny and going to be even more fun when we get my mom and aunt to do it! LOL!
I hope everyone had a great holiday and has a safe and awesome new year!!
All I want to do is DANCE!!!!! (Kelly
OMG if you have a Wii you have to run out and get Just Dance 2!!!! It is an awesome game. Besides it being so much fun it's an unbelievable workout. I went over Jenn's last night (after I invited myself) to watch the game and to play Just Dance. We were the half time show for Brian and Tom - - then we patiently waited until the game was over (in reality that game was over in the 1st quarter) and played for another hour or so. Jenn and I were sweating so much and laughing so hard. We must have done 10 - 15 dances from It's Raining Men to the Russian dance to Holiday. Plus my mom would be proud I did Proud Mary and didn't do bad at all - - - Tina Turner watch out!!!!!
I didn't leave Jenn's house til almost 1am which if you know me is about 3 &1/2 hrs past my bedtime - I think I could have stayed another hour but I knew I had to get up for work. Can't wait to play again......
I didn't leave Jenn's house til almost 1am which if you know me is about 3 &1/2 hrs past my bedtime - I think I could have stayed another hour but I knew I had to get up for work. Can't wait to play again......
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas hangover.....(Kelly)
I hope everyone had a great christmas - I did! Got lots of good stuff including some running stuff and gift cards to get running stuff. Loved all my gifts!!! Planned on doing the Kris Kringle 5 miler in Reading on Sunday but the weather and sickness held me back. I got up not feeling great and then the weather people kept saying it was going to snow early so I decided it wasn't worth the hour drive. Good thing too because as the day went on I felt worse and worse. My back hurt so bad it was like someone was just wringing it out. I couldn't get comfortable and did nothing but lay on the couch all day. I woke up today feeling better - my back wasn't sure but my stomach was and still is a little upset. Still got up and went to the gym with Jenn around 11 but took it easy and just did water workouts and sat in the hot tub and sauna to sweat it out.
Hopefully the streets are a little cleaner tomorrow so Jenn and I can run. We have the midnight run on friday .... can't wait!
Hopefully the streets are a little cleaner tomorrow so Jenn and I can run. We have the midnight run on friday .... can't wait!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Visions of new running gear dancing in my head (Kelly)
Only 5 days left till xmas morning and I'm hoping to get some new running gear or at least gift cards so I can go get some new running gear. Gotta look good when you run especially if you aren't coming in first =) I'm a walking advertisement for Nike - I don't mean to be but I do like their stuff and I've never had a problem with the quality of it , it's just expensive even at the outlet. People probably think I'm a cancer survivor because I wear a lot of Livestrong stuff too but I just like the designs and besides part of the money goes to cancer research so I'm doing my part in a way.
I can't wait for the midnight run on New Years Eve - I think it's going to be fun to be downtown and running at midnight while the fireworks are going off in the backround. Don't know how many people are actually signed up for it but it should be fun no matter what. I'm also thinking about doing a 5 mile run the day after xmas in Reading but I think that's going to be a day of decision depending on the weather.
On this first day of winter all I can think about is i need the first day of spring!!!!!
I can't wait for the midnight run on New Years Eve - I think it's going to be fun to be downtown and running at midnight while the fireworks are going off in the backround. Don't know how many people are actually signed up for it but it should be fun no matter what. I'm also thinking about doing a 5 mile run the day after xmas in Reading but I think that's going to be a day of decision depending on the weather.
On this first day of winter all I can think about is i need the first day of spring!!!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Too long..........(jenn)
Wow! Way too long since i have written anything on here and that I think just comes with the territory of the holiday season!
Lets see went to FA and didn't gain anything!! Whoo HOO!!! But also didn't lose, but I am ok with that! I am at a plateau and I am trying not to get frustrated! I know that I am not working out as much b/c B is never home now and the one thing I have to do is to get my but up in the morning and run before he goes to work! it is just soooooo warm and cozy in the morning and hard to get my self up and motivated when know it is freezing out! BUT I am going to do it this week! Kelly and I ran 1.7 miles this morning at the park, it was chilly but not too bad! We are also going to run as much as we can this week and spin of course on our normal days! Me and the Girls went up to the jingle bell run that Kelly did to cheer here on and I realized that I am a sick person b/c I was jealous that she got to run a race and didn't! What kind of sick person is jealous of someone running 3.1 miles! And to make it even worse I signed up for a midnight run on NEW YEARS EVE!!!! Yes Kelly is running that too! And she challenged me to prepare for a 5 mile run in February! We will see how that works out! 4 miles was tough for me!
So for this week my goal is to run more and eat better, not that i was eating bad but I wasn't eating the righ things! Lots of cookies this past week...UGH! Can't wait to get rid of them all!
Happy Christmas and Merry NEw Year!! I WILL be BACK!!!!(i am sure before Christmas but I wanted to write that before I forgot about it!)
Lets see went to FA and didn't gain anything!! Whoo HOO!!! But also didn't lose, but I am ok with that! I am at a plateau and I am trying not to get frustrated! I know that I am not working out as much b/c B is never home now and the one thing I have to do is to get my but up in the morning and run before he goes to work! it is just soooooo warm and cozy in the morning and hard to get my self up and motivated when know it is freezing out! BUT I am going to do it this week! Kelly and I ran 1.7 miles this morning at the park, it was chilly but not too bad! We are also going to run as much as we can this week and spin of course on our normal days! Me and the Girls went up to the jingle bell run that Kelly did to cheer here on and I realized that I am a sick person b/c I was jealous that she got to run a race and didn't! What kind of sick person is jealous of someone running 3.1 miles! And to make it even worse I signed up for a midnight run on NEW YEARS EVE!!!! Yes Kelly is running that too! And she challenged me to prepare for a 5 mile run in February! We will see how that works out! 4 miles was tough for me!
So for this week my goal is to run more and eat better, not that i was eating bad but I wasn't eating the righ things! Lots of cookies this past week...UGH! Can't wait to get rid of them all!
Happy Christmas and Merry NEw Year!! I WILL be BACK!!!!(i am sure before Christmas but I wanted to write that before I forgot about it!)
Good Chilly Morning....(Kelly)
Nice morning for a run.... Jenn and I went for a quick 1.7 mile run this morning at the park. It was chilly but not too bad and it was good to get out and get a run in. It is so very hard to run in this cold - I'm just not a fan of the cold and with xmas right around the corner it seems like there isn't enough time in the day. Me and Jenn have plans to run on Tuesday night and hopefully Friday morning so if all goes well we'll be running a few times this week.
Well gotta run and make more cookies and do some last minute shopping!!!!
Well gotta run and make more cookies and do some last minute shopping!!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Baby it's cold outside .... (Kelly)
Damn it's cold out!!!!! And to make matters worse I'm sick - - - not real sick but none the less sick. I have a head cold and I hate it. Tried to workout but I can't breathe so I just layed on the couch. I did spin on Monday and worked out Monday night but yesterday was a bust and this morning I couldn't spin. My body needs a few days time out and I'm okay with that. I don't want to be sick for xmas. Need to get better so I can finish making cookies and wrapping gifts.
Oh and I did the Jingle Bell run on Sat. It was a nice run but a couple big hills at the end. The weather was nice so that was a plus. I didn't do bad either.... 28:09 was my time on my watch and I came in 56th place out of about 155 runners.
Oh and I did the Jingle Bell run on Sat. It was a nice run but a couple big hills at the end. The weather was nice so that was a plus. I didn't do bad either.... 28:09 was my time on my watch and I came in 56th place out of about 155 runners.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Jingle Bells.......
Good Saturday morning......!!!!! Today I'm doing the Jingle Bell 5k in Bucks County. The run benefits people with arthritis (sp) and there are runs for this all over the country this weekend. I haven't run all week (since my 5 miler last Sunday) because it's been so damn cold. I'm really not feeling like running today but i'm getting my ass up and going.
I hate winter!!!!! I can't wait till spring and nicer weather.
Enjoy the weekend and do lots of walking while shopping =)
I hate winter!!!!! I can't wait till spring and nicer weather.
Enjoy the weekend and do lots of walking while shopping =)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
SLEEPY!!!!! JEnn
Even thought I feel like i can't keep my eyes open half the time now a days I still find time to do some sort of workout. I know I am not working out as much as I was so I have to Make up for it in other ways. Like when I am in the house with Marissa and we are playing I will do airplane or let her stand on my hands and lift her up! I always try and find different ways to work some part of my body! The holidays are tuff to get a workout in with shopping, working,school parties, work parties.....this month has been especially hard for me since B is working 7 days a week. I have not ran in forever...ok maybe a week but it feels like forever! I am still spinning and doing a pool workout with kelly as much as we can.
And there are some days that I feel that it wasn't enough...but then I think about it and I could have sat on my fat ass and did nothing....so at least I got something done. Plus I don't realy get to sit that much during the day anymore...LOL! Not with avery active 2year old. My me time is when I go to work and when I go to the Bathroom...I know TMI..but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! Not even getting enough time to write on our blog....Gotta love the holidays! everyone cross their fingers B has an interview tomorrow!!
And there are some days that I feel that it wasn't enough...but then I think about it and I could have sat on my fat ass and did nothing....so at least I got something done. Plus I don't realy get to sit that much during the day anymore...LOL! Not with avery active 2year old. My me time is when I go to work and when I go to the Bathroom...I know TMI..but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! Not even getting enough time to write on our blog....Gotta love the holidays! everyone cross their fingers B has an interview tomorrow!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
5 miles in the cold....new Kelly world record 46:19(Kelly)
Well I did it, I did the 5mile run on Sunday in what could only be considered friggin artic tempatures. It was only about 34 degrees when I left for the run with a real feel of about 23 deg according to KYW - I was not looking forward to doing this run. I got to West Chester (which is a good 40mile drive from my house) around 12:20pm (run started at 1pm) and really considered just sitting in my car or even just going home . It was cold and I was by myself ..... but I thought might as well get out of the car and get use to the cold before the run and I can't turn back now I drove all the way here and I told people I was doing this run. So I get out of my car and who is walking up to the start but 4 guys and 1 girl from Africa - Yes that's right they were Kenyans at this West Chester 5 miler...I couldn't believe it and I thought to myself well this isn't good for me. I didn't think there would be professionals or semi-pros here and I didn't know who else would be at the start line.
So I walked up and waited for 40 mins freezing my butt off with the other 900 + people. ( And I would like to say they didn't open the school gym so you could get warm either!!! ) Since I've been trying to run 1 to 2 times a week outside I'm getting a little more tolerant of this cold and it wasn't bad standing out in the sun until the wind started and that was pretty much every 10 seconds. They had some kid races before the real run and that was cute - although I don't think I would have had my 3 yr old outside to run in that cold.
Race started almost on time and took a few seconds to go because when 972 runners are lined up you don't quite move when the gun sounds. The run was nice through the neighborhoods of West Chester (it ran the same streets a couple of times) but in the beginning it was so packed you had to dodge your way through people for about the first full mile. Then the other fun started which was West Chester is HILLY - who knew? I would say about 4miles of that run was some sort of hill, either steep and short or long and steady. Since my legs were numb I wasn't feeling any pain until mile 4 when my running technique goes out the window and my ankles start hurting (I'm hoping I get past this b/c it's really a problem) but I knew only 1 mile left and I couldn't quit. I rounded the corner into the stadium and saw the clock said 44:55 and I only had a lap left to do - I knew my previous 5 mile times were 49:54 and 49:50 so I was excited to see I would beat it despite fighting through a crowd in the beginning, hills, and the freezing temp. I made it around and finished at 46:19 a new record.
I'm glad to be done and the whole time I was running I was thinking I hate this , I'm not doin this again and of course like always when I finished I was thinking when's the next 5 miler or even 10K (6.2 miles) ---- and Jenn is doing 5 miles with me - If i have to suffer so does she =)
So my point after this long post is 2 yrs ago I couldn't run 1 mile and 12/5/10 I ran 5 miles. It really is true you can do anything you put your mind and effort into!!! Don't ever give up or let anyone tell you - you can't!!!!!
So I walked up and waited for 40 mins freezing my butt off with the other 900 + people. ( And I would like to say they didn't open the school gym so you could get warm either!!! ) Since I've been trying to run 1 to 2 times a week outside I'm getting a little more tolerant of this cold and it wasn't bad standing out in the sun until the wind started and that was pretty much every 10 seconds. They had some kid races before the real run and that was cute - although I don't think I would have had my 3 yr old outside to run in that cold.
Race started almost on time and took a few seconds to go because when 972 runners are lined up you don't quite move when the gun sounds. The run was nice through the neighborhoods of West Chester (it ran the same streets a couple of times) but in the beginning it was so packed you had to dodge your way through people for about the first full mile. Then the other fun started which was West Chester is HILLY - who knew? I would say about 4miles of that run was some sort of hill, either steep and short or long and steady. Since my legs were numb I wasn't feeling any pain until mile 4 when my running technique goes out the window and my ankles start hurting (I'm hoping I get past this b/c it's really a problem) but I knew only 1 mile left and I couldn't quit. I rounded the corner into the stadium and saw the clock said 44:55 and I only had a lap left to do - I knew my previous 5 mile times were 49:54 and 49:50 so I was excited to see I would beat it despite fighting through a crowd in the beginning, hills, and the freezing temp. I made it around and finished at 46:19 a new record.
I'm glad to be done and the whole time I was running I was thinking I hate this , I'm not doin this again and of course like always when I finished I was thinking when's the next 5 miler or even 10K (6.2 miles) ---- and Jenn is doing 5 miles with me - If i have to suffer so does she =)
So my point after this long post is 2 yrs ago I couldn't run 1 mile and 12/5/10 I ran 5 miles. It really is true you can do anything you put your mind and effort into!!! Don't ever give up or let anyone tell you - you can't!!!!!
Christmas COLD!!!! JEnn
Good morning everyone. I hope that you are all staying strong during the holidays! Remember all the shopping you are doing in the malls, not the computer, is a good workout! Walking back and forth back and forth. i bet you log at least 2 miles every time you are at the mall. LOL! At least it feels that way!
I have been doing pretty good this week, staying on target with my food. The only thing I have a problem with is the new WW program. I feel they switched it up b/c so many people knew the old way of counting and wasn't coming to the meetings. I think it is a big money maker. Right now I find it hard to get the 2 mins it take to calculate the new points. I start out good then by dinner time I go by the old way. I am still going spinning and tring to figure out with Brian schedule when I can run. I don't like running by myself at night. I normally would but one of the school mom's told me about this guy who lives in the area who is a drug addict and has been in jail and robs the local stores....and they all know him and everything. So that makes me a little nervous to run by myself. I am going to keep on going through the holidays and hope to keep losing too! I will get on the new points system as soon as I can. it is such a PIA! Today is half day for Abby and then they go to Pop-pop for a while! Me I have to work. Pray for a busy night so I can finish my shopping!
I have been doing pretty good this week, staying on target with my food. The only thing I have a problem with is the new WW program. I feel they switched it up b/c so many people knew the old way of counting and wasn't coming to the meetings. I think it is a big money maker. Right now I find it hard to get the 2 mins it take to calculate the new points. I start out good then by dinner time I go by the old way. I am still going spinning and tring to figure out with Brian schedule when I can run. I don't like running by myself at night. I normally would but one of the school mom's told me about this guy who lives in the area who is a drug addict and has been in jail and robs the local stores....and they all know him and everything. So that makes me a little nervous to run by myself. I am going to keep on going through the holidays and hope to keep losing too! I will get on the new points system as soon as I can. it is such a PIA! Today is half day for Abby and then they go to Pop-pop for a while! Me I have to work. Pray for a busy night so I can finish my shopping!
Monday, December 6, 2010
A little off topic...JEnn
A special someone gave this to me when Abby was born and I Love it!!
How Preemie Moms Are Chosen
(Adapted from Erma Bombeck)
Did you ever wonder how the mothers of premature babies are chosen? Somehow, I visualize God hovering over Earth, selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As he observes, he instructs his angels to take notes in a giant ledger. "Beth Armstrong, son. Patron Saint, Matthew. Marjorie Forrest, daughter. Patron Saint, Celia. Carrie Rutledge, twins. Patron Saint ... give her Gerard. He's used to profanity." Finally, he passes a name to an angel and smiles. "Give her a preemie."
The angel is curious. "Why this one, God? She's so happy."
"Exactly," smiles God. "Could I give a premature baby a mother who knows no laughter? That would be cruel."
"But does she have the patience?" asks the angel.
"I don't want her to have too much patience, or she'll drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it. I watched her today. She has that sense of self and independence so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has a world of its own. She has to make it live in her world, and that's not going to be easy."
"But Lord, I don't think she even believes in you."
God smiles. "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just the right amount of selfishness."
The angel gasps, "Selfishness?! Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she will never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't know it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a spoken word. She will never consider a step ordinary. When her child says 'mama' for the first time, she will be witness to a miracle and know it. I will permit her to see clearly the things I see – ignorance, cruelty, prejudice – and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side."
"And what about her Patron Saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in the air. God smiles.
"A mirror will suffice."
How Preemie Moms Are Chosen
(Adapted from Erma Bombeck)
Did you ever wonder how the mothers of premature babies are chosen? Somehow, I visualize God hovering over Earth, selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As he observes, he instructs his angels to take notes in a giant ledger. "Beth Armstrong, son. Patron Saint, Matthew. Marjorie Forrest, daughter. Patron Saint, Celia. Carrie Rutledge, twins. Patron Saint ... give her Gerard. He's used to profanity." Finally, he passes a name to an angel and smiles. "Give her a preemie."
The angel is curious. "Why this one, God? She's so happy."
"Exactly," smiles God. "Could I give a premature baby a mother who knows no laughter? That would be cruel."
"But does she have the patience?" asks the angel.
"I don't want her to have too much patience, or she'll drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it. I watched her today. She has that sense of self and independence so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has a world of its own. She has to make it live in her world, and that's not going to be easy."
"But Lord, I don't think she even believes in you."
God smiles. "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just the right amount of selfishness."
The angel gasps, "Selfishness?! Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she will never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't know it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a spoken word. She will never consider a step ordinary. When her child says 'mama' for the first time, she will be witness to a miracle and know it. I will permit her to see clearly the things I see – ignorance, cruelty, prejudice – and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side."
"And what about her Patron Saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in the air. God smiles.
"A mirror will suffice."
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ok it can be spring now....I have my first official 5 mile run today in West Chester. It's the 33rd annual Brian's run -which is a great run that benefits different charitys each year. This will be my first time doing this run but from what other people told me it's a big run and a lot of fun. I wish it was warmer (currently it's 30 degrees) but maybe that will make me run faster.... =) I wish I wasn't doing this one alone but my partner (Jenn) has work so I'll let her slide.... =)
Yesterday was a good day at FA - - - lost .2 which is better than a gain. Altough I have to say i'm happy where I am with my weight - if I lose a few more lbs that fine but not much more. I'd really just like to become a better runner, biker, and overall healthier person.
Tip - for everyone who doesn't like to workout or be outside in this cold , if you can find a pool to go to inside GO..the water workouts are fun and when you are doing them don't feel like as much work as they really are - it's a great way to get in shape or stay in shape. We don't swim we run back and forth in the lane and walk, tread water for a minute, do some planks with the noodle and ab crunches. Try it!!!!
Yesterday was a good day at FA - - - lost .2 which is better than a gain. Altough I have to say i'm happy where I am with my weight - if I lose a few more lbs that fine but not much more. I'd really just like to become a better runner, biker, and overall healthier person.
Tip - for everyone who doesn't like to workout or be outside in this cold , if you can find a pool to go to inside GO..the water workouts are fun and when you are doing them don't feel like as much work as they really are - it's a great way to get in shape or stay in shape. We don't swim we run back and forth in the lane and walk, tread water for a minute, do some planks with the noodle and ab crunches. Try it!!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Now you all know that we are not super Women....we try but we have our down points too....we both got into a rut with work, kids and eating...now it is our jobs to help each other out and get our asses moving..
Kelly doens't want to get on the scale tomorrow....I think (and going to make her) get on the scale...I don't care if she is lifetime or not..You need to get on that scale to see the number.....make that your Dr Doofemshmirtz.....whatever that number is is your evil twin that you are going to crush next week!
My goal for next week....workout more, EAT MUCH MUCH BETTER! and Try not to stress...
We will do this....my goal is to get to lifetime.....and keep Kelly at her goal....LET"S DO THIS!!
Kelly doens't want to get on the scale tomorrow....I think (and going to make her) get on the scale...I don't care if she is lifetime or not..You need to get on that scale to see the number.....make that your Dr Doofemshmirtz.....whatever that number is is your evil twin that you are going to crush next week!
My goal for next week....workout more, EAT MUCH MUCH BETTER! and Try not to stress...
We will do this....my goal is to get to lifetime.....and keep Kelly at her goal....LET"S DO THIS!!
sooooo tired and soooo stressed......(Kelly)
This week sucked!!! I was off to a good start with my 5mile run on Sat but then it just fell apart. I've been soooo stupidly busy at work the past couple of days - I spent 12 hours looking at the same spreadsheets over and over and now I'm waiting on a customer to tell me if they are right or if i have to do them again...AHHH!!!!! Besides that stress I'm such a procrastinator that I didn't write my paper that is due today for a rough draft. I was going to do it last night but I was so tired from work and staring at a screen that I just couldn't do it. Hopefully I'll get some time today to do it - - I got sleep last night and I feel better this morning.
As far as working out goes I tried to work out everyday but yesterday it wasn't possible and this morning in spinning my knees hurt so bad that I had to get off the bike and go to the hot tub. I don't know what's going on with my knees but it needs to stop.
Eating this week has been horrible - I've eaten like a pig for real. Not just that I'm not writing down - I've eaten nothing but bad food all week. Don't know why but it's gotta stop - I don't feel as good when I eat bad both mentally and physically. So starting tomorrow I'm going to use the new program to get back on track with eating next week.
Gotta get back to work and paper writing ......
As far as working out goes I tried to work out everyday but yesterday it wasn't possible and this morning in spinning my knees hurt so bad that I had to get off the bike and go to the hot tub. I don't know what's going on with my knees but it needs to stop.
Eating this week has been horrible - I've eaten like a pig for real. Not just that I'm not writing down - I've eaten nothing but bad food all week. Don't know why but it's gotta stop - I don't feel as good when I eat bad both mentally and physically. So starting tomorrow I'm going to use the new program to get back on track with eating next week.
Gotta get back to work and paper writing ......
Well it is friday and I have all of about 24 hours to lose as much weight as I can..LOL! Weigh in is tomorrow and also the new program. Not sure if I am going to like the new way or not! I don't mind change, but if it is not broke they there is no reason to fix it right!
I will let you all know how it is....my biggest problem is writing down my food. I hate doing it....BUT i know that when I do I lose weight, when I don't...I get lazy and end up either gaining or staying the same....for tomorrow I am hoping to stay the same....trying to eat leftovers from Thanksgiving...UGH! I am ok with eating breakfast food for the next couple days!
These past two weeks have been little hard on me, with gaining and then the holidays. I know it is not an excuse and I am hoping that Bill(our leader) can help get me back on track...Stress is my biggest problem. Everyone who knows me knows that B got laid off. He just started a temporary position with UPS for the holidays....But it is going to be a tight Christmas....I hate not being able to go and order something that I want to get someone....I am now stressing about how I am going to be able to get everything done by Christmas without waiting till the last minute. I hate money!!! It doesn't make you happy but it sure as hell makes your life a little easier! LOL!
going to gon on and read a bunch of success stories for weight loss maybe that will help me get back!!!
I will let you all know how it is....my biggest problem is writing down my food. I hate doing it....BUT i know that when I do I lose weight, when I don't...I get lazy and end up either gaining or staying the same....for tomorrow I am hoping to stay the same....trying to eat leftovers from Thanksgiving...UGH! I am ok with eating breakfast food for the next couple days!
These past two weeks have been little hard on me, with gaining and then the holidays. I know it is not an excuse and I am hoping that Bill(our leader) can help get me back on track...Stress is my biggest problem. Everyone who knows me knows that B got laid off. He just started a temporary position with UPS for the holidays....But it is going to be a tight Christmas....I hate not being able to go and order something that I want to get someone....I am now stressing about how I am going to be able to get everything done by Christmas without waiting till the last minute. I hate money!!! It doesn't make you happy but it sure as hell makes your life a little easier! LOL!
going to gon on and read a bunch of success stories for weight loss maybe that will help me get back!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A little Support and kick in the ass is all I needed....(jenn)
What a crappy beginning to December! This rain is horrible, taking Abby to school was a very drenching experience. Abby, Marissa and Little Chris all in the down pouring rain! FUN!!
So anyway I have been in that funk...and I have to say that having someone going through the journey with you is all you need. Kelly came over last night and we ran three miles and then this morning did our spinning class....(LADIES!!!)......that was the kick in the ass that I needed to get my ass back.....thanks kelly!
There is a huge difference in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally when you eat bad or don't workout or both! I know I get into a miserable mood and don't want to talk to anyone! I almost feel depressed! I know that my husband can see it b/c he is usually the brunt of my crankiness! Once I work out and make the right choices...I feel so much better!
This whole journey is about making the right choices and there will be days where you just say...F that salad...I want a cheese steak......you know what? That is fine have that cheese steak BUT only have half, don't get mayo on it, fill it with veggies instead of extra cheese and meat....Have that Cheese steak but Make a choice.....and make it the right choice....there are time where I am like...I want the cheese steak BUT i think about how much more running/spinning/working out will i have to do in order to enjoy 10 mins of eating bliss.....Yes My name is Jenn and I am a Fat Kid. I love Food and I love Junk Food! But I am here to make the right choices and try to make my life better for me and my family. I want to out live everyone so that Kelly and I can move into the Sunrise community and terrorize the place(LOL) Only kidding even though I think that will happen anyway.....I want to be able to take my kids on bike rides and trail walks and let them experience the stuff I did as a kid. I want to be able to go on vacation with my husband when we get older and not feel so tired and run down at the end of the day! I look at my mom who is (sorry mom) 62 years old and she is awesome. She can keep up with her grand kids and play with them and ENJOY them while being actively involved with their lives. She walks everyday and bikes on the weekends(when she can). She is an inspiration to be healthy! I want to take my kids to DISNEY World and out last them......
Don't get frustrated....get back to working out and eating right! Find someone to kick you in the ass when u need it. Find someone to give you that little push!
Well gotta go chcek on the Playdough Kids!! We r making Ice-Cream Playdough...0 Calories LOL!
So anyway I have been in that funk...and I have to say that having someone going through the journey with you is all you need. Kelly came over last night and we ran three miles and then this morning did our spinning class....(LADIES!!!)......that was the kick in the ass that I needed to get my ass back.....thanks kelly!
There is a huge difference in how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally when you eat bad or don't workout or both! I know I get into a miserable mood and don't want to talk to anyone! I almost feel depressed! I know that my husband can see it b/c he is usually the brunt of my crankiness! Once I work out and make the right choices...I feel so much better!
This whole journey is about making the right choices and there will be days where you just say...F that salad...I want a cheese steak......you know what? That is fine have that cheese steak BUT only have half, don't get mayo on it, fill it with veggies instead of extra cheese and meat....Have that Cheese steak but Make a choice.....and make it the right choice....there are time where I am like...I want the cheese steak BUT i think about how much more running/spinning/working out will i have to do in order to enjoy 10 mins of eating bliss.....Yes My name is Jenn and I am a Fat Kid. I love Food and I love Junk Food! But I am here to make the right choices and try to make my life better for me and my family. I want to out live everyone so that Kelly and I can move into the Sunrise community and terrorize the place(LOL) Only kidding even though I think that will happen anyway.....I want to be able to take my kids on bike rides and trail walks and let them experience the stuff I did as a kid. I want to be able to go on vacation with my husband when we get older and not feel so tired and run down at the end of the day! I look at my mom who is (sorry mom) 62 years old and she is awesome. She can keep up with her grand kids and play with them and ENJOY them while being actively involved with their lives. She walks everyday and bikes on the weekends(when she can). She is an inspiration to be healthy! I want to take my kids to DISNEY World and out last them......
Don't get frustrated....get back to working out and eating right! Find someone to kick you in the ass when u need it. Find someone to give you that little push!
Well gotta go chcek on the Playdough Kids!! We r making Ice-Cream Playdough...0 Calories LOL!
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