Good morning! I am back. Last post I was 7 months prego and now I have a beautiful baby Boy Named Lucas...aka Luke, sky walker, young Jedi......Yes didn't even think that naming my son Luke was going to result in Star wars nick names....I should have since I grew up on the movies..I am OK with is b/c he definitely looks like a Luke.
So right now I am about 2 weeks and 3 days post C-Section. I have about a week before I can start at least doing some walking and another week before i can start My couch to 5k. I can't wait to walk into the gym and start working out. Kelly wants me to take a water aerobics class. Which is filled with old people but I think it might be a good start for after surgery. I just have to get the OK from the doctors. Then I can do spinning, boot camp, RUNNING!!!! I can't wait!
I am going to start Eating better and counting calories. That way when I start working out I will have that part already taking care of. Even though I am not eating bad now but I know I need to watch my snacking.
Below this post is the birth announcement for Lucas...See everyone VERY VERY soon!
PS.....going to start the Insanity again....not now of course but when get the OK...