The days are starting to run together...Plyo again....still sweating. I haven't measured or anything yet I'm waiting till the end of the first 30days....I tell you with all this sweating and cardio I better see some difference. I know that i do feel better now if I could just eat better..... oh well sometimes you can't do it all.
Stay cool.....going for a bike ride tonight - lots of water!!
A blog of 2 women on a weight loss and get fit journey! A Mom and a Career Woman!! Follow along our ups and downs as we try all sorts of interesting classes and workouts!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What the HELL was I thinking?!?! Day 15&16! Jenn
Good Morning everyone! I would like to say about the only thing I can move right now on my body is my finger b/c I am an idiot! So I went to the mountains this weekend and it was lots of fun but I had to come back to work on Sunday so I felt like I missed out on everything with the kids. But no one would work for me so I had to go in! Monday we came home and spent the day outside gardening b/c it needed to be done so bad! We filled the little pool up for the girls and then went to town and I feel so much better b/c it looks nice again.All we have to do is get some mulch and I need to get some more flowers for my hummingbird garden! Only two out of the 6 survived. So yesterday was suppose to be the fit test but I didn't get around to doing it b/c I fell asleep at 9pm....(and this is why I am an idiot)....SOOOOOOO I did the fit test this morning...ANNNNNDDD did the plyometric cardio this morning too!!! WTH was I thinking...Oh I know! I wasn;t!
My advice to anyone who is going to do the insanity workouts....don't do two in one day! So this is the 3rd week we have 5 more weeks to go....OMG it seems so far away. I am very happy with my result of my fit test though. And in 2 weeks I am down 5 pounds.....which I like b/c i am going slow in my weight loss and i want it to stay slow so it stays off.
So here are the results.....
Switch Kicks 80 to 105
Power Jacks 40 to 47
Power Knees 62 to 87
power jumps 24 to 31
Globe jumps 4 to 7
Suicide Jumps 10 to 12
Push-up Jacks 4 to 8(now these I don't do on the floor b/c of my wrist I do on my table but still an improvement)
Low Plank Oblique 22 to 35
I think I increased pretty damm good for only 2 full weeks!
Well off to limp my way to the shower and get Abby ready for school!
Have a Great day everyone!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Pain=Fat!!!
My advice to anyone who is going to do the insanity workouts....don't do two in one day! So this is the 3rd week we have 5 more weeks to go....OMG it seems so far away. I am very happy with my result of my fit test though. And in 2 weeks I am down 5 pounds.....which I like b/c i am going slow in my weight loss and i want it to stay slow so it stays off.
So here are the results.....
Switch Kicks 80 to 105
Power Jacks 40 to 47
Power Knees 62 to 87
power jumps 24 to 31
Globe jumps 4 to 7
Suicide Jumps 10 to 12
Push-up Jacks 4 to 8(now these I don't do on the floor b/c of my wrist I do on my table but still an improvement)
Low Plank Oblique 22 to 35
I think I increased pretty damm good for only 2 full weeks!
Well off to limp my way to the shower and get Abby ready for school!
Have a Great day everyone!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Pain=Fat!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Hike, Rest, Fit Test - Day13, 14, &15 (Kelly)
Happy Memorial Day!!! So it's Monday and I have to say its been a nice long weekend. Sat started out with Pure cardio and cardio abs followed by a hike at Ricketts Glen state park.
It was a 2hr trip with the dog (Molson) up past Wilkes Barre PA. I highly recommend going there if you get a chance - it's worth the ride if you enjoy nature and waterfalls and lots of walking. It was a perfect day for wasn't too hot up there and there are lots of trees so you aren't in the direct sun. Since Molson isn't a very active dog we didn't want to go to far but we wanted to see some of the waterfalls so we did a shorter hike. The full waterfall trail is 7.2 miles of difficult hiking - there are some really narrow trails and climbing down rocks that are wet so we didn't want to do the whole thing with the dog but you can take one of the many other trails - some lead to the falls and some don't. We were able to see about 4 falls which are beautiful. Along the way we saw some other waterways and some cool rock formations. I think Molson did better than Mike on the hike. We hiked about 5 miles and 2 1/2 hrs with stopping along the way to take pics. We were sweaty and muddy but we had fun.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a rest day and thats what I did workout wise - just rested which was nice. I had a ton of homework to do because i waited to the last minute but other than that we just rested. Sometimes you just need a lazy hazy sunday and that's what i got.
Today was the fit test again from day 1 and I went up in all the exercises which is great - still sweating my ass off. So now it's time to clean and finish up homework.
Enjoy your holiday!!!!
It was a 2hr trip with the dog (Molson) up past Wilkes Barre PA. I highly recommend going there if you get a chance - it's worth the ride if you enjoy nature and waterfalls and lots of walking. It was a perfect day for wasn't too hot up there and there are lots of trees so you aren't in the direct sun. Since Molson isn't a very active dog we didn't want to go to far but we wanted to see some of the waterfalls so we did a shorter hike. The full waterfall trail is 7.2 miles of difficult hiking - there are some really narrow trails and climbing down rocks that are wet so we didn't want to do the whole thing with the dog but you can take one of the many other trails - some lead to the falls and some don't. We were able to see about 4 falls which are beautiful. Along the way we saw some other waterways and some cool rock formations. I think Molson did better than Mike on the hike. We hiked about 5 miles and 2 1/2 hrs with stopping along the way to take pics. We were sweaty and muddy but we had fun.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a rest day and thats what I did workout wise - just rested which was nice. I had a ton of homework to do because i waited to the last minute but other than that we just rested. Sometimes you just need a lazy hazy sunday and that's what i got.
Today was the fit test again from day 1 and I went up in all the exercises which is great - still sweating my ass off. So now it's time to clean and finish up homework.
Enjoy your holiday!!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day 12 and 13.....the saga continues....(Kelly)
Sorry didn't get a chance to blog yesterday because I was too busy at work trying to get stuff done. Yesterday was back to plyo cardio and I'm not getting sore anymore which is a good thing but i'm still sweating like crazy. Today was the first time for two workouts - pure cardio which i just LOVE (along with me dripping in sweat that statement is dripping in sarcasm)and then cardio abs. I found cardio abs on youtube because for some reason it didn't tape over but anyway it was only 16 minutes which is like a mini workout so that was good. It was hard but not ridiculous so I didn't mind it too much.
Well gotta go shower and get ready to go hiking at Ricketts Glen. Taking the dog so this 2 1/2 hr ride should be fun......hopefully we'll get a lot of nice pics of all the different waterfalls. I'll put some up later.
Have a great Saturday
Pain = fear
Well gotta go shower and get ready to go hiking at Ricketts Glen. Taking the dog so this 2 1/2 hr ride should be fun......hopefully we'll get a lot of nice pics of all the different waterfalls. I'll put some up later.
Have a great Saturday
Pain = fear
Day 13?! Pure HELL Again!
I am thinking this is day 13....the end of two weeks. I forgot to weigh myself this morning so I will have to do it on Tuesday! Maybe add another 3 pounds to my loss! I would love that! I definitely feel better when I am working out! Although I don't know why but my feet hurt when I do pure Cardio! I need to get sneakers I know that much so I have been wearing my running sneakers b/c they have a little better support then my old ones. We are suppose to do cardio abs but that one didn't copy on the dvd so i am going to use my moms laptop and look it up on You tube. Kelly found it on there!
Two weeks has gone by and I have 6 more to go! Wish me luck..not much going on for today but spending time with my family! Hope everyone has a great weekend where ever you are! Off to shower and get this sweat off me!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, pain=fat!!
Two weeks has gone by and I have 6 more to go! Wish me luck..not much going on for today but spending time with my family! Hope everyone has a great weekend where ever you are! Off to shower and get this sweat off me!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, pain=fat!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 12(Jenn)
As much as I LOVE recovery I think it hinders my Friday workout!Either that or I am just so out of shape that I suck! LOL! Today was cardio power and Resistance and as much as I love these workout this one was very hard for me today! Let me start from the beginning at 5am when the f'in birds are so LOUD that they woke me up then i had an allergy attack that last about 45 mins of sneezing,blowing my nose and not being able to breathe! So being up that early and not be able to go to sleep while I had my attack I folded some laundry and then did my workout! So now that my attack was over I could hardly breathe though the whole workout! Which pisses me off b/c I don't like having to alter my workout! Once I am in a groove I can' stop. they keep saying go at your own pace so that is what I did.
I know some people who never workout before are afraid to try new things, I am here to say...DO IT! You don't have to look like the people on TV to do the workout. All those people are instructor or have been doing workouts forever! It can get intimidating but just look at those skinny bitches and think..."I can look like that" That is what is motivating me, I find that one person who is closest to my body type and think that is me...when I am at my goal that is going to be me and then that make me work a little harder! You can lose anything by working out...other then FAT! And so far after the first week I have lost 3 pounds of Fat. Weigh on Saturday morning before I workout and hoping for another 3.....keep your fingers crossed!
I also want to say how proud I am of Kelly and Stacey on sticking with the workout with me! You girls are awesome! Keep up the good work and we will look like the people on the dvds....<3
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat!
I know some people who never workout before are afraid to try new things, I am here to say...DO IT! You don't have to look like the people on TV to do the workout. All those people are instructor or have been doing workouts forever! It can get intimidating but just look at those skinny bitches and think..."I can look like that" That is what is motivating me, I find that one person who is closest to my body type and think that is me...when I am at my goal that is going to be me and then that make me work a little harder! You can lose anything by working out...other then FAT! And so far after the first week I have lost 3 pounds of Fat. Weigh on Saturday morning before I workout and hoping for another 3.....keep your fingers crossed!
I also want to say how proud I am of Kelly and Stacey on sticking with the workout with me! You girls are awesome! Keep up the good work and we will look like the people on the dvds....<3
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Recovery oh how i love you....Day 11 (Kelly)
Thank God for recovery this morning...I needed some good stretches and today was going to be and did turn out to be a long day at work (as you can tell by my late post time). Actually I'm still at work - - waiting for reports to run - oh what fun. Not as tired today as I have been the past week but probably because I've been running around all day at work - i don't have time to be tired.
On top of it I have homework to do for Business Law and Stat classes that I haven't even started for the week. Tonight is a good as time as any I guess but I'm such a's just hard sometimes to come home from looking at a computer screen all day and numbers to then sit back down and do it again for homework. My eyes need a break.....!!!
Not sure what's going on for the holiday weekend ...waiting on some invites to hot dogs and hamburgers somewhere...i'm partied out at my house. =)
Have a good night!!!
pain = fear
On top of it I have homework to do for Business Law and Stat classes that I haven't even started for the week. Tonight is a good as time as any I guess but I'm such a's just hard sometimes to come home from looking at a computer screen all day and numbers to then sit back down and do it again for homework. My eyes need a break.....!!!
Not sure what's going on for the holiday weekend ...waiting on some invites to hot dogs and hamburgers somewhere...i'm partied out at my house. =)
Have a good night!!!
pain = fear
AHHHHH Recovery! (jenn)
I LOVE RECOVERY! I almost didn't want to get up and do the workout but then I thought...wait it is Thursday which is Cardio Recovery!! And even though it is a recovery I still sweat a little. But I do like this one b/c it is a lot of stretches and poses. Even though i am not a pilates or yoga, doing this little recovery is nice! Which was even nicer is that i had a little partner with me the last 10 mins. Abby woke up and wanted to workout with me. And all she kept saying is "wow this is easy" I said "tomorrow I will wake you up for the Cardio Power and resistance" And of course she has no idea what I am talking about.LOL!
Tomorrow is yet another long day, we go to the school garden and work in there. What I would love to do is have a little recess feildtrip and get some kids to my back yard to weed that! LOL! I don't think the school would go for that!
Since my 7 year old is standing here talking away to me about school and lunch and everything else in the world I better go get her ready for school!
Pain is the fear leaving the body, Pain=fat!
Tomorrow is yet another long day, we go to the school garden and work in there. What I would love to do is have a little recess feildtrip and get some kids to my back yard to weed that! LOL! I don't think the school would go for that!
Since my 7 year old is standing here talking away to me about school and lunch and everything else in the world I better go get her ready for school!
Pain is the fear leaving the body, Pain=fat!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 10.....(jenn)
Day 10 was Plyometric Cardio! Which if you ask me sounds like something fun and slow and steady! Well it isn't!I know I have done this last week but I felt like I did it just yesterday! I liked it alot but still felt like I just did it! It kicked my butt today. I pushed myself just a little bit harder then last week! I sweat ed out about a gallon of water! These workouts are freaking Insane! LOL! What I do like and I am sure I have said this before but even the people on the dvd can't finish some of the workouts. And they are all in SHAPE! Like model shape, with 6 packs and everything! So it makes me feel better that this workout is going to kick anyone ass no matter what kind of shape you are in!
i was going to blog this morning but I have my nephew today and we went to Target after we dropped Abby off at school! I got them this cool sprinkler...The only thing is that I couldn't get the hose on tight enough so it wasn't as powerful as I wanted it to be! But they still had fun, and I think the grass was a little too long b/c the bottom squirters were stuck. LOL! I am going to take it up the mountains and let them play with it up there if it is nice!
Well we water played and gardened and ate lunch. Now time to get ready to pick Abby up...right after I do some more laundry! Have a great day everyone!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Pain=fat!
i was going to blog this morning but I have my nephew today and we went to Target after we dropped Abby off at school! I got them this cool sprinkler...The only thing is that I couldn't get the hose on tight enough so it wasn't as powerful as I wanted it to be! But they still had fun, and I think the grass was a little too long b/c the bottom squirters were stuck. LOL! I am going to take it up the mountains and let them play with it up there if it is nice!
Well we water played and gardened and ate lunch. Now time to get ready to pick Abby up...right after I do some more laundry! Have a great day everyone!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Pain=fat!
Day 10 - - Put a fork in me I'm done (today's workout that is - Kelly)
Well today was day 10 and it's still hard but getting better. The workouts are starting to meld together but I feel like I'm getting stronger - - now if i could just stop stuffing my face perhaps I could see more of a difference. I suck at eating...I don't eat because I'm hunger I eat because I eat! I know my problem - I eat way to fast so that I'm still wanting more when I'm done then when I am done I feel like whoa....i ate to much. Still gotta work on that.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout because it's cardio recovery and I just LOVE the word recovery!!!!
It was a beautiful day yesterday even though it was very warm and look like it should be another nice day....can't wait for the weekend.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout because it's cardio recovery and I just LOVE the word recovery!!!!
It was a beautiful day yesterday even though it was very warm and look like it should be another nice day....can't wait for the weekend.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 9 - - - I love cardio so much....(Kelly)
Well it was pure cardio day again and let me just tell you how much i LOVE pure's a minute long of each cardio exercise with no breaks. One thing I do love about these dvds is that even though they are hard they make you stretch after your warmup which is good because I'm good for turning off the dvd at the end and skipping the stretch - with this you can't because you haven't even begun the real workout and by the end you really want that stretch again because you need it. I don't turn off the dvd on this one because you go from high intensity at the end right into the stretch and as anyone will tell you you don't want to go from high intensity to just stopping so the stretch is a great cool down.
So being that I'm crazy I went for a 20 mile bike ride yesterday after work. It was actually nice b/c it was suppose to rain (and it did) so nobody was on the trail - - I was muddy by the end , you would have thought I went mountain biking but it was a good ride. My quads were sore while riding but its a good way to workout and stretch your muscles - besides I like cycling.
Today my plan is to just go home after work - maybe a walk but i think it will be the couch for me tonight.
Have a great day - and stay cool it's going up to 86!!!!
Pain = Fear
So being that I'm crazy I went for a 20 mile bike ride yesterday after work. It was actually nice b/c it was suppose to rain (and it did) so nobody was on the trail - - I was muddy by the end , you would have thought I went mountain biking but it was a good ride. My quads were sore while riding but its a good way to workout and stretch your muscles - besides I like cycling.
Today my plan is to just go home after work - maybe a walk but i think it will be the couch for me tonight.
Have a great day - and stay cool it's going up to 86!!!!
Pain = Fear
Day 9 pure Helll again! (jenn)
ugh!!!! Pure cardio=pure hell. I forgot that this workout doesn't have 30 second recovery. It is a 10 mins warm up which should just be the workout then a VERY nice 6 min stretch and then 20 mins of pure hell. Although I feel like I can do a little bit more this week then last, so I am thinking that is a good thing. I am hoping that at the end of the 60 days I will be able to do all the workouts without stopping at all and doing it faster!
As I sit here and sweat(nasty) all I smell is cupcakes...LOL! I do have to get out there and run one of these days! I haven't ran in about 2 weeks and I miss it! I am heading to the mountains this weekend so Sunday i am going to take a nice run in the morning. I will be running with my dad's gun b/c there are bears up there and it will be a holiday weekend so they will be scouting out the trash bins....Maybe I will see one. I have never seen one up there yet, Everyone else has but me. I will take my camera with me and maybe the bear will let me take his picture.LOL!
Well my calves are throbbing right now and begging for me to feed them some protein....Have a great sunshiny day!
Pain is the fear leaving the body. Pain=Fat!<3
As I sit here and sweat(nasty) all I smell is cupcakes...LOL! I do have to get out there and run one of these days! I haven't ran in about 2 weeks and I miss it! I am heading to the mountains this weekend so Sunday i am going to take a nice run in the morning. I will be running with my dad's gun b/c there are bears up there and it will be a holiday weekend so they will be scouting out the trash bins....Maybe I will see one. I have never seen one up there yet, Everyone else has but me. I will take my camera with me and maybe the bear will let me take his picture.LOL!
Well my calves are throbbing right now and begging for me to feed them some protein....Have a great sunshiny day!
Pain is the fear leaving the body. Pain=Fat!<3
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 8 - - - where is the GD SUN!!!! (Kelly)
So today was a new week and it wasn't as bad soreness wise as last week. Workout is still as intense as ever and it's still hard and I was still sweating like crazy but my body isn't so sore that I feel like I just want to fall over. So that's a good thing. Sunday was a rest day which was well needed and I think deserved....especially after a long but extremely fun Sat. night.
Back to the grind of work... have a great day!
Back to the grind of work... have a great day!
Day 8....I hate you Shaun T!!!!(jenn)
So Sunday was a day off which was well deserved, if you ask me! And this morning the alarm went off and i hit the bed next to me and no one was there! I was like WTH B got up and left the alarm on...then I realized it was for me! So i hit snooze! I lay in bed thinking......"if i sleep for a couple more minutes I will be OK" and then my eyes are wide open and all I think about if those 30 seconds.....So I get up and get ready. This was the same workout as Last Wednesday and for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was like I just remembered it had the 30 seconds of water breaks. What I didn't remember was all the push up and triceps they did. And for everyone who know me I have bad hands and wrist. So I modified my push up to doing them so my feet on on the ground but my hand I put on my coffee table. And you still get a workout but the pain in my wrist are not so bad. So I am doing this wonderful workout and I think....yep still insane! I mean WTF were we thinking! Why do we just jump into these things....then I remember, It is Me and kelly and that is what we do! We jump into these things without thinking! But to be honest I am having fun and I like having a routine!
On another note I hope the sun comes outs today! I want to be able to get out in my garden and plant my plants I bought in my gardens! This rain has got to stop! I am feeling like we will have to start building an ark soon! Well happy monday everyone! Hope you all have a good day! I am going to go eat some protien and get my girls up for school!
Pain is the fear leaving your body. Pain=fat!
On another note I hope the sun comes outs today! I want to be able to get out in my garden and plant my plants I bought in my gardens! This rain has got to stop! I am feeling like we will have to start building an ark soon! Well happy monday everyone! Hope you all have a good day! I am going to go eat some protien and get my girls up for school!
Pain is the fear leaving your body. Pain=fat!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 6 back to Plyo (Kelly)
So today is day 6 of Insanity and its a repeat of day 2 - still just as hard and I've learned i HATE basketball drills!!!!!!! I actually had to wiped off my face because sweat was dripping in my eyes and I have a fan on high on me.....
I see the sun today , lets see how long that lasts - hopefully all day. I was about to start building my ark.
Today is the day of the girls night out party and I can't wait to get it started. Have some last minute furniture moving and cleaning to do plus I have to pick up some food. Its 7:30 so I need to get started.
Have a great day!!!
Pain = Fear
I see the sun today , lets see how long that lasts - hopefully all day. I was about to start building my ark.
Today is the day of the girls night out party and I can't wait to get it started. Have some last minute furniture moving and cleaning to do plus I have to pick up some food. Its 7:30 so I need to get started.
Have a great day!!!
Pain = Fear
Day 6...not so bad(jenn)
So it is Saturday and I don't have to wake up for anything and what time am I up?!?! You got it 6:02 by my clock which is 10 mins fast! SO i figured why not get up and get my cardio workout done! This workout today was the same as day 2. And I remember day two being HORRIBLE!! well today wasn't as bad. I guess my body is getting used to the idea of waking up and being tortured every morning! LOL!
Today I have to get my house cleaned up and by house i mean play room! That thing is such a mess. My kids can destroy that room in 30 seconds flat!
Then it is off to Kellys to help her with the rest of the party crap for our ladies night out! Can't wait going to be lots of fun!
Have a great weekend!
Pain is the Fear leaving your body! Pain=Fat!
Today I have to get my house cleaned up and by house i mean play room! That thing is such a mess. My kids can destroy that room in 30 seconds flat!
Then it is off to Kellys to help her with the rest of the party crap for our ladies night out! Can't wait going to be lots of fun!
Have a great weekend!
Pain is the Fear leaving your body! Pain=Fat!
Friday, May 20, 2011
WHERE IS MY 30 SECONDS!?????(jenn)
Holy Crap! The warm up it self was about 10 mins long with no break and then you got a 5 min stretch which was nice but then you go right into freaking 25 or so mins of straight up hard core freaking cardio! Without 30 seconds of a rest. I know that he says all the time go at your own pace and take a break when you need to, but when everyone else is on the TV and doing it and doing it faster then you it makes you want to do it like them! LOL! At least for me it does. What i do like about these videos is that all the people on them are all ripped and in shape. They are all sweating and taking breaks and you can see them in pain from the workout. so that makes me feel better b/c I am no where near in shape like that!!
i would like to be doing this without having a cold and sleeping through the night though! I know my husband says(joking) "suck it up women" and i am trying to I really am. I have been coughing like an 3 pack a day smoker and still working out! I am hoping that all the sweating I am doing is gong to sweat the sick right out of me!
This is day 5 and I feel good!! only 55 more days to go and then we will either start this over or get a new workout! I was on the website yesterday with Stacey and we were checking out all the different workouts that may look fun....and yes I said "workouts" and "fun" in all the same sentence!
I do have to say that I am very proud of my Stacey!! She is hanging in there! She is also trying to quit smoking which is I think is awesome! I am going to keep pushing her and nagging her only b/c I love her and will be doing in in a nice way!80) I know she wants to do this and all she needs is some support!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat
Have a great day everyone!
i would like to be doing this without having a cold and sleeping through the night though! I know my husband says(joking) "suck it up women" and i am trying to I really am. I have been coughing like an 3 pack a day smoker and still working out! I am hoping that all the sweating I am doing is gong to sweat the sick right out of me!
This is day 5 and I feel good!! only 55 more days to go and then we will either start this over or get a new workout! I was on the website yesterday with Stacey and we were checking out all the different workouts that may look fun....and yes I said "workouts" and "fun" in all the same sentence!
I do have to say that I am very proud of my Stacey!! She is hanging in there! She is also trying to quit smoking which is I think is awesome! I am going to keep pushing her and nagging her only b/c I love her and will be doing in in a nice way!80) I know she wants to do this and all she needs is some support!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat
Have a great day everyone!
Day 5 Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs (Kelly) - no 30 secs =(
So today is day 5 of Insanity and after the nice recovery workout yesterday I was feeling pretty good. Should have knows that with the title Pure Cardio that it was going to be HARD!!! Its never a good sign when the instructor says during the stretching that he's afraid of the workout. It was a long 20 mins of non-stop cardio .... and when i say non-stop I mean NON-STOP for 20 mins!!!!!!!!!! Thats a long time to go all out. Made it through and took some breaks - its good to see the people on the dvd take breaks too (makes me feel better). Now Jenn wrote on the calendar she made for me that today was just Pure Cardio but the DVD says Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs - so I didn't know if I was suppose to do both or just one ( you can pick either or on the menu) so I text Jenn but it's only 7 am so either she's still asleep or shes in hell doing pure cardio right now. I was going to try and see what the Abs look like but my dvd doesn't have it. It must not have taped right so I checked my other DVDS that have 2 workouts (2 more ) and they aren't on there either. I guess they didnt dup right....I'll have to beat Jenn up later =)
Anyway today is a busy day for us....getting ready for our Girls Night Out party tomorrow so Jenn and I will be running around all day getting stuff, making food, and cleaning. So much for a day off , right? That's okay I'd rather being doing this anyway.
Have a great day!
Pain = Fear
Anyway today is a busy day for us....getting ready for our Girls Night Out party tomorrow so Jenn and I will be running around all day getting stuff, making food, and cleaning. So much for a day off , right? That's okay I'd rather being doing this anyway.
Have a great day!
Pain = Fear
Thursday, May 19, 2011
My name is Stacey and I am very excited to join Kelly and Jenn in their blog. About me.....I am 27... have a 3 year old daughter, Aubrey. Within the last year I have noticed some changes in myself slowly starting to take place. I decided I wanted better for me to so I can give my baby better. What's good for goose is good for the gander, right? First I started at CCP. GO ME!!!! Next up is starting to workout, which is what brings me here. From previous posts all you cool readers know that Jenn, Kelly and I are doing the INSANITY workout. This sh*t is just that----INSANE.
I am not the one for working out- I'd rather read. BUT I AM TRYING. My fitness level is very low so it's an achievement when I can get through one of these dvds. Yesterday was day 3--- I could barely get through the warm up, which Kelly mentioned it's like a hard work out. Later on in the day(and after a push from Jenn) I finished the rest because I wasn't going to let that round shiny disc or what was on it- beat me.
When I first saw INSANITY, I though to myself "GO HARD OR GO HOME" Well that's what I have decided to do. I have no doubt that Jenn and Kelly will finish this entire workout. I have doubts about myself but am doing this to prove to myself (and to them) that I WILL.
When I was in cosmetology school, there was a teacher named Ms. Joanne. When someone would tell Ms. Joanne that you CAN"T do something.....Her response was always-----"CAN'T means you WON'T and YOU WILL"
10 years later and that is still stuck in my I'm gonna go do my workout for today :)
My name is Stacey and I am very excited to join Kelly and Jenn in their blog. About me.....I am 27... have a 3 year old daughter, Aubrey. Within the last year I have noticed some changes in myself slowly starting to take place. I decided I wanted better for me to so I can give my baby better. What's good for goose is good for the gander, right? First I started at CCP. GO ME!!!! Next up is starting to workout, which is what brings me here. From previous posts all you cool readers know that Jenn, Kelly and I are doing the INSANITY workout. This sh*t is just that----INSANE.
I am not the one for working out- I'd rather read. BUT I AM TRYING. My fitness level is very low so it's an achievement when I can get through one of these dvds. Yesterday was day 3--- I could barely get through the warm up, which Kelly mentioned it's like a hard work out. Later on in the day(and after a push from Jenn) I finished the rest because I wasn't going to let that round shiny disc or what was on it- beat me.
When I first saw INSANITY, I though to myself "GO HARD OR GO HOME" Well that's what I have decided to do. I have no doubt that Jenn and Kelly will finish this entire workout. I have doubts about myself but am doing this to prove to myself (and to them) that I WILL.
When I was in cosmetology school, there was a teacher named Ms. Joanne. When someone would tell Ms. Joanne that you CAN"T do something.....Her response was always-----"CAN'T means you WON'T and YOU WILL"
10 years later and that is still stuck in my I'm gonna go do my workout for today :)
DAY 4;Cardio Recovery (jenn)
Well I definitely thought that Cardio Recovery was a trick title! It wasn't YEAH!!!! It was all stretching and lots of yoga poses! Don't get me wrong it was a little hard b/c I have no balance and it makes you work your muscles. I was sweating. But there was no INSANE cardio! What was hard was the length of time you would have to hold a pose. Lets say holding a squat for at least a minute is a little tough when you muscles are sore already.
I thought it was going to be a hard thing for me to wake up early and do a DVD b/c all the other time i woke up i had to drive somewhere to workout and I would kinda prepare myself for the workout. Now I just wake up and workout! And I can say that I actually look forward to it! Kelly is already looking at another DVD by this instructor for after the 60 days! Yes I know we are INSANE! LOL!
I didn't sleep good last night b/c I was coughing like a 99 year old women who smokes 3 packs a day! Thank you Marissa. I am feeling a little better today but my coughing is killing me! I even took cough medicine last night and it did nothing. i hate having to cough. Well Lets see what today brings.
One thing I have to say I am happy about is my eating. I am a stress eater like i said before. I should be 300 pounds with the stress i feel sometimes. But I have been eating really good this week! Like last night i was very proud of myself. We had spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread for dinner. this is one of my favorite meals! I would normally eat 2 meatball 1 sausage and at least 2 helpings of pasta and 2 pieces of bread....I KNOW...300 pounds!!! So last night I had 1 helping of pasta, 1 meatball and 1 piece of bread!!!! I wanted more but told myself that i wasn't working out and do all this hard work just to eat what I want and stay the same weight. So today is another day that I am going to DO GOOD!!! Lots of protein to rebuild my muscles and as always lots of water!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat<-------------------LOVE THAT! Stealing it for my signature!!
I thought it was going to be a hard thing for me to wake up early and do a DVD b/c all the other time i woke up i had to drive somewhere to workout and I would kinda prepare myself for the workout. Now I just wake up and workout! And I can say that I actually look forward to it! Kelly is already looking at another DVD by this instructor for after the 60 days! Yes I know we are INSANE! LOL!
I didn't sleep good last night b/c I was coughing like a 99 year old women who smokes 3 packs a day! Thank you Marissa. I am feeling a little better today but my coughing is killing me! I even took cough medicine last night and it did nothing. i hate having to cough. Well Lets see what today brings.
One thing I have to say I am happy about is my eating. I am a stress eater like i said before. I should be 300 pounds with the stress i feel sometimes. But I have been eating really good this week! Like last night i was very proud of myself. We had spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread for dinner. this is one of my favorite meals! I would normally eat 2 meatball 1 sausage and at least 2 helpings of pasta and 2 pieces of bread....I KNOW...300 pounds!!! So last night I had 1 helping of pasta, 1 meatball and 1 piece of bread!!!! I wanted more but told myself that i wasn't working out and do all this hard work just to eat what I want and stay the same weight. So today is another day that I am going to DO GOOD!!! Lots of protein to rebuild my muscles and as always lots of water!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat<-------------------LOVE THAT! Stealing it for my signature!!
Day 4 Cardio Recovery - -- ahhhhh......(Kelly)
Disclaimer - if anyone is thinking of getting this workout please note that it is not for someone who hasn't worked out in a while. This workout is HARD. I know me and Jenn say we are lazy and haven't worked out in awhile and while that's true it's true for our fitness level. We aren't completely lazy and we still run and do other stuff so while this workout is a challenge for us it's not too much.
On to day 4 - cardio recovery - my new fav! It was a slow workout and much needed. It was more of a stretching workout today although not easy but not fast paced like the other workouts. I still was sweating and I couldn't do all the moves as long as they did on the dvd but it was much easier then the past 3 days. I enjoyed the stretching because I'm not very flexible and I needed it!!! I slapped a bunch of bengay on my legs last night which ended up being too much becuase my legs were burning and then freezing because of the menthol in it. I was exhausted yesterday - I took a nap at lunch and wanted to go right to sleep when I got home. I pretty much sat like a zombie on my couch. Getting up at 5am is hard when you are not use to it. I use to be okay with it last summer from doing boot camps but I got out of practice. Hopefully next week will be easier.
On to day 4 - cardio recovery - my new fav! It was a slow workout and much needed. It was more of a stretching workout today although not easy but not fast paced like the other workouts. I still was sweating and I couldn't do all the moves as long as they did on the dvd but it was much easier then the past 3 days. I enjoyed the stretching because I'm not very flexible and I needed it!!! I slapped a bunch of bengay on my legs last night which ended up being too much becuase my legs were burning and then freezing because of the menthol in it. I was exhausted yesterday - I took a nap at lunch and wanted to go right to sleep when I got home. I pretty much sat like a zombie on my couch. Getting up at 5am is hard when you are not use to it. I use to be okay with it last summer from doing boot camps but I got out of practice. Hopefully next week will be easier.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
All I have to say is Thanks to my friend from HS, TIGER Balm is AWESOME!!!
Don't have this particular container but have the patches with the lotion already on it and they are wonderful!!!!! Have them on my claves and it feels GOOOOODDD!!!
Off to sleep! ^am comes early to bust my ass.....INSANE!!!
Don't have this particular container but have the patches with the lotion already on it and they are wonderful!!!!! Have them on my claves and it feels GOOOOODDD!!!
Off to sleep! ^am comes early to bust my ass.....INSANE!!!
Sweet Lord in Heaven!!! (jenn)
DAY 3 this workout is just that!! Freaking Insane! I feel like crap anyway b/c my loving little girl definitely gave me her cold! SO when I got up this morning I didn't want to do anything but craw back into bed! BUT I pushed myself b/cI know that Kelly and Stacey are counting on me to do this with them!
The warm up itself was hard and I wanted to die and then he gives you these most wonderful 30 seconds to get a drink or water and cool down till he goes into something else and kills you again! I love those 30 seconds!! LOL! I treasure them like no other seconds! LOL! Everyone was still sleeping when I was done so I turned on Netflix and watched a 40min show(that is my little reward to myself after i workout) and stretched some more! then I got a shower and then soaked my poor little calves in Epsom salt! OMG!!! this stuff is the most amazing stuff every! I fill the tub just enough to cover my legs with water so hot i should have blisters and some salt! Then I sit and soak. It will not take away all the aches and pains but it relaxes and HELPS alot! I totally recommend it for anyone who is working out! my calves should be so much tighter then they are but they are just a little sore and I think tonight I will soak again!
Once I got abby off to school I took Marissa, rocky and my nephew Chris to Lortimer(sp) park and we did a 1 1/2 mile hike! And my legs still feel good! I am feeling good about these workouts. I still want to get a yoga dvd for Me and Abby to do, does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking at the two i posted above! Let me know if anyone heard of them and what they think!
Off to make lunch for the little monkeys!!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat(thank you Stacey for that!)
Oh yeah everyone you will being seeing my friend Stacey who was the most awesomeness( I know not a word) person who copied the dvd's for us! She is also doing them and asked if she could blog with us! So you will see a post from her!!! Welcome Stacey ANN!!!!!!
Tomorrow Cardio Recovery....I have a feeling that it won't be as easy as I am thinking!!
The warm up itself was hard and I wanted to die and then he gives you these most wonderful 30 seconds to get a drink or water and cool down till he goes into something else and kills you again! I love those 30 seconds!! LOL! I treasure them like no other seconds! LOL! Everyone was still sleeping when I was done so I turned on Netflix and watched a 40min show(that is my little reward to myself after i workout) and stretched some more! then I got a shower and then soaked my poor little calves in Epsom salt! OMG!!! this stuff is the most amazing stuff every! I fill the tub just enough to cover my legs with water so hot i should have blisters and some salt! Then I sit and soak. It will not take away all the aches and pains but it relaxes and HELPS alot! I totally recommend it for anyone who is working out! my calves should be so much tighter then they are but they are just a little sore and I think tonight I will soak again!
Once I got abby off to school I took Marissa, rocky and my nephew Chris to Lortimer(sp) park and we did a 1 1/2 mile hike! And my legs still feel good! I am feeling good about these workouts. I still want to get a yoga dvd for Me and Abby to do, does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking at the two i posted above! Let me know if anyone heard of them and what they think!
Off to make lunch for the little monkeys!!
Pain is fear leaving the body. The fear= fat(thank you Stacey for that!)
Oh yeah everyone you will being seeing my friend Stacey who was the most awesomeness( I know not a word) person who copied the dvd's for us! She is also doing them and asked if she could blog with us! So you will see a post from her!!! Welcome Stacey ANN!!!!!!
Tomorrow Cardio Recovery....I have a feeling that it won't be as easy as I am thinking!!
Day 3 - - can your legs seize up? (Kelly)
Day 3 - Power cardio and resistance - umm yeah I'm going to die. This workout is hard!!!! The moves themselves aren't always very hard - okay I lie they are - but its the repetition and speed that you do them that kills. Like Jenn said in her post on facebook - you learn to love 30 secs - that's the rest time you get in between the 3mins drills and it's the best 30 secs ever!!!! As much pain as I'm in , I am enjoying these workouts because I've been lazy over the winter (besides running and even that I slacked on) so it feels good to feel my muscles working again.
I stopped at Walmart on my way into work to pick up some G3 (the gatorade protein drink)
- - I hate protein drinks and bars - I can't find one I like but I can stomach this if I cut it with water. Also picked up a yogurt and choc milk (did you know choc milk is a GREAT recovery drink? - I didn't either but it is). Oh yeah I also got my self some pain cream for the back of my legs - just something I can put on at night so I don't wake up and fall out of bed =) 
I stopped at Walmart on my way into work to pick up some G3 (the gatorade protein drink)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Okay so me and Jenn are great at trying new gimmicks, exercises, products, you name it we try it. Soooo.... since we can't get ourselves to a bootcamp (it's hard for Jenn because of Brian's shift work sch ) we have to find something else besides running. We get bored easy so its good to try new things =) Anyway I have the P90X but I got to say not a big fan - I really don't like the guy who does it and without the chin up bar you miss out on a lot of the exercises so a BIG THANK YOU to Stacey for letting us use her Insanity tapes!!! Insanity is another workout you see on the infommercials so we thought WHY NOT? 60 days of crazy cardio workouts with core training.
It began yesterday with a 25 min fit test which I completed but barely. I was sweating so much and felt like I was going to throw up - I guess I'm a little out of shape. Today was day 2 Plyometric cardio and boy was that fun. I woke up at 5:10 am and was sore from yesterday but I had to do it. The warmup was 15 mins of what I would call a hard workout followed by insane (yes I'm going to use that word a lot b/c it's appropriate) 25 mins of cardio with stretching. I was drenched with sweat - you would have thought I was outside in the rain. I had the window open fan on and water but I still was soaked with sweat. So today I will be stretching A LOT at my desk to try and keep my body from completely seizing up =) Join me on my journey of insanity.......
It began yesterday with a 25 min fit test which I completed but barely. I was sweating so much and felt like I was going to throw up - I guess I'm a little out of shape. Today was day 2 Plyometric cardio and boy was that fun. I woke up at 5:10 am and was sore from yesterday but I had to do it. The warmup was 15 mins of what I would call a hard workout followed by insane (yes I'm going to use that word a lot b/c it's appropriate) 25 mins of cardio with stretching. I was drenched with sweat - you would have thought I was outside in the rain. I had the window open fan on and water but I still was soaked with sweat. So today I will be stretching A LOT at my desk to try and keep my body from completely seizing up =) Join me on my journey of insanity.......
Good morning everyone! Well i hope everyone else is having a good morning b/c I just got my ass handed to me by a workout dvd!!!
Well lets start from the beginning! It has been a long time since I have blogged. I have been a little stressed the past month or so...first it was training for the broad street run! Which I am proud to say Kelly and I finished it together at 1 hour 53 mins.....I wanted to be under 2 hours and it Not by much but still it was under! Next year we would like to cut that time down to 1 1/2 hours. Which I think is totally possible. But we also, b/c we are crazy, want to do other events. We would like to try to do a Mud run with obstacle, and there is a triathlon in august that we want to do too. So since we have been doing nothing but running we thought we need to get the rest of our body's in shape in order to climb walls and swing on ropes and crap like that.....So we(Kelley, Stacey and i) started the INSANITY workout. Today was only day two but WOW, it really kicked my ass and I am looking forward to Sunday b/c that is my day off!
So after stressing about broad street I then started to stress about Abby and her school.....Long story made short....b/c of her learning disabilities they feel she would do better in an other school. At first that was a scary thing for me b/c we like the school she is in.....but we have to do what is right for her. So i have had some up and down days and eating has not been good..........I have gained back any weight I had lost from before.
That was very hard for me to admit...i am embarrassed, ashamed and feeling like i let myself down!
What I thougth was funny was that Kelly read an article that said you can be fit and Fat...I started thinking...but in the long run i am not happy being over weight. I tried telling myself that it is not a big deal. But for some reason it is to me! I want to keep this weight off and being a stress eater it is hard!
I know that A LOT of people yo yo with their diets like I do. And every time I say this is it...i am going to get to my goal and stay there.....then once I start hearing people say...WOW you look great...I start to slack. I almost want people to shut up and when am where i want to be then they can tell me how great I look! LOL! I know that sounds f'ed up but that is me! LOL! I want to be able to put on clothes and feel good about it and this is too tight or this shows my fat. I know I won't be model material...but I just want to feel good about myself. So my biggest challenge right now is to not eat when I get stressed! I am going to work on that and working out 66 days a week!
And with being supportive for both Kelly and Stacey and having their support is going to be a big help!
I have to go stretch some more b/c I feel like my muscles are going to explode!
Have a great day everyone! I will try and post something if not everyday but maybe every other!!!
And maybe when we are done the INSANE workout! We will post some before and after pictures.....That is a BIG maybe!!!
Well lets start from the beginning! It has been a long time since I have blogged. I have been a little stressed the past month or so...first it was training for the broad street run! Which I am proud to say Kelly and I finished it together at 1 hour 53 mins.....I wanted to be under 2 hours and it Not by much but still it was under! Next year we would like to cut that time down to 1 1/2 hours. Which I think is totally possible. But we also, b/c we are crazy, want to do other events. We would like to try to do a Mud run with obstacle, and there is a triathlon in august that we want to do too. So since we have been doing nothing but running we thought we need to get the rest of our body's in shape in order to climb walls and swing on ropes and crap like that.....So we(Kelley, Stacey and i) started the INSANITY workout. Today was only day two but WOW, it really kicked my ass and I am looking forward to Sunday b/c that is my day off!
So after stressing about broad street I then started to stress about Abby and her school.....Long story made short....b/c of her learning disabilities they feel she would do better in an other school. At first that was a scary thing for me b/c we like the school she is in.....but we have to do what is right for her. So i have had some up and down days and eating has not been good..........I have gained back any weight I had lost from before.
That was very hard for me to admit...i am embarrassed, ashamed and feeling like i let myself down!
What I thougth was funny was that Kelly read an article that said you can be fit and Fat...I started thinking...but in the long run i am not happy being over weight. I tried telling myself that it is not a big deal. But for some reason it is to me! I want to keep this weight off and being a stress eater it is hard!
I know that A LOT of people yo yo with their diets like I do. And every time I say this is it...i am going to get to my goal and stay there.....then once I start hearing people say...WOW you look great...I start to slack. I almost want people to shut up and when am where i want to be then they can tell me how great I look! LOL! I know that sounds f'ed up but that is me! LOL! I want to be able to put on clothes and feel good about it and this is too tight or this shows my fat. I know I won't be model material...but I just want to feel good about myself. So my biggest challenge right now is to not eat when I get stressed! I am going to work on that and working out 66 days a week!
And with being supportive for both Kelly and Stacey and having their support is going to be a big help!
I have to go stretch some more b/c I feel like my muscles are going to explode!
Have a great day everyone! I will try and post something if not everyday but maybe every other!!!
And maybe when we are done the INSANE workout! We will post some before and after pictures.....That is a BIG maybe!!!
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