Well with this freaking 100 degree weather I have not been outside that much! I for One HATE the humidity.....although some people think this is beautiful weather I am wsihing for snow!
So I went walking this morning before anyone else got up that is the only way I get out by myself!
I have still been working out with my dvd's. But I like being outdoors. I am enjoying my pregnancy so far. But I feel like a cow b/c my belly is soooo big, But there are some things i miss and I know most people are going to say beer....But to tell you the truth I don't miss it at all. I never think about it or even want it....What I do miss is my workouts...I miss the insanity workouts, I Miss running, I miss having a race coming up to prepare for, I miss my workout partner.......I am looking forward to signing up for The broad street and only having 3 months to prepare. I am looking forward to signing up for the mud runs and warrior dash and only have 4 to 5 moths to train for that! Lets just say that this little nugget is going to LOVE their jogging stroller! When I get one! I am still researching them to see what ones are the best for street running.
But I really do miss all of those things which makes me a little on the crazy side! But come January as soon as I get the OK from the doctors I am back to running....going to really push myself b/c I will be almost starting from the beginning and train for 10 miles in 3 months this is going to be my motivation to do it! And I want to do the 10 miles in under 1 hours 50 mins.....beat my time from this year!
So I will be checking in as much as I remember too!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat!
A blog of 2 women on a weight loss and get fit journey! A Mom and a Career Woman!! Follow along our ups and downs as we try all sorts of interesting classes and workouts!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
So I've got myself signed up for this duatholon and I'm trying to get myself together in the next 3 wks. I went out and got aerobars for my road bike....nothing fancy. For those who don't ride aerobars make you more aerodynamic on the bike...they bring your arms in real close which in turn makes you faster and every little bit helps. Putting them on was an adventure and trying them out was fun....felt like riding a bike for the first time. The bars make your handling of the bike less steady so it takes some getting use to and that's what I'll be doing this week along with running. I'm hoping my biking/running goes better this week.....
Mine are similar to this.....
Mine are similar to this.....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
sorry for the delay...now back to your regularly scheduled program....(kelly)
Okay so I've been MIA partly because I've been really busy at work but also because I've taken 2wks off from intense workouts - I've still been riding but wasn't doing the tapes. I was getting frustrated with the lack of results....I know you need to eat right as well but as hard as I was working out everyday should have seen something...anyway....
Only my list of things to do this year was a Duatholon so I bit the bullet and signed up for the SheRox's Tri and Du - atholon on Aug 7th. So now all my efforts are going towards being able to run and ride. The race consists of a 2 mile run, then a 15.5 mile bike ride, then a 5k to finish. Now I know I can do the events separately but putting them all together is the challenge. So far I've been able to do the run and ride but when I get off the bike I don't feel like I can run again.
My training next week will be biking then running since this week I did run then ride. Hopefully next week will go better......
Only my list of things to do this year was a Duatholon so I bit the bullet and signed up for the SheRox's Tri and Du - atholon on Aug 7th. So now all my efforts are going towards being able to run and ride. The race consists of a 2 mile run, then a 15.5 mile bike ride, then a 5k to finish. Now I know I can do the events separately but putting them all together is the challenge. So far I've been able to do the run and ride but when I get off the bike I don't feel like I can run again.
My training next week will be biking then running since this week I did run then ride. Hopefully next week will go better......
Monday, July 4, 2011
80( (jenn)
Well this weekend was not a good weekend for me working out wise....I walked Thursday and Friday(even ran a Little Friday) and then Saturday spent the day in shock after learning My next door neighbor was killed in a robbery! He was the nicest guy you could have as a neighbor! And then Sunday Talk to his wife and daughter and spent the rest of the day in shock again! I had to tell the girls today and it was so hard! Abby is such a sweet heart, she asked why Mr M had to go to heaven and I said that a bad man was very mean to him and made him die. I didn't really know what else to tell her. The only other deaths she had to deal with was my cousin little boy, but she doesn't remember that that much, my mom's neighbors dog and my grandfather(her great). she then proceeded to tell me that, "it really really stinks that Mr M had to go to heaven, I am going to think of some good joke to tell Mrs M to make her happy!" I lost it! She is always wanting to make everyone happy! Marissa then asked me why the bad man make Mr M die.....what do you say to that?! I just told her I didn't know only that he was a very bad man who is going to go to jail for a very long time when they get him! You don't want to know what i really wanted to say! LOL!
So then My night got better! LOL! Marissa started a little puzzle with me which I will say was a little hard for a 3 year old, I got up to check on my sauce and she torn apart what I already did on the puzzle....I was mad, so I started it again got up to finish the pasta for dinner and then ABBY goes and pulls it apart!!! UGH! I gave up and put it away.....Then out of the mouths of babes....Rocky is standing in the kitchen and marissa is looking at him, from behind him...she says...."Mommy Rocky is pooping!" I turn around and was like...no he isn't... she says"Yes he is he has black poop coming out his butt!" I look i said no he isn't....SHe then asked "what is hanging from his butt that is black?" I look I start cracking up....it was his balls....LOL!!!! So I had to explain to her that he is a boy dog and like boys, dogs have birds too! LMAO!!!!! That made my night and helped me feel a little better! I gotta love my kids!!!
Well I am off to finish the movie and put the kids to bed so I can get some sleep! Up bright and early for a workout tomorrow go tot get back on track! Happy 4th everyone!
So then My night got better! LOL! Marissa started a little puzzle with me which I will say was a little hard for a 3 year old, I got up to check on my sauce and she torn apart what I already did on the puzzle....I was mad, so I started it again got up to finish the pasta for dinner and then ABBY goes and pulls it apart!!! UGH! I gave up and put it away.....Then out of the mouths of babes....Rocky is standing in the kitchen and marissa is looking at him, from behind him...she says...."Mommy Rocky is pooping!" I turn around and was like...no he isn't... she says"Yes he is he has black poop coming out his butt!" I look i said no he isn't....SHe then asked "what is hanging from his butt that is black?" I look I start cracking up....it was his balls....LOL!!!! So I had to explain to her that he is a boy dog and like boys, dogs have birds too! LMAO!!!!! That made my night and helped me feel a little better! I gotta love my kids!!!
Well I am off to finish the movie and put the kids to bed so I can get some sleep! Up bright and early for a workout tomorrow go tot get back on track! Happy 4th everyone!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Still trucking along! (jenn)
Well it seems that I am the only one still trucking along here. Kelly just signed up for the She-Rox Duathion(sp). She she will be running and biking a lot. I am still watching what I am eating not doing weight watchers but taking what I know from there and applying it to my diet. Some people think I am starving myself but I eat all day long! And I would never starve myself when I am suppose to be eating a little more then normal. I feel like I eat all day. But I eat good things, fruits, pretezels, salad and I do eat stuff I am not suppose to...LOL! Like krimpets...had a craving for them LOL!
I feel like the past 3 months has been 3 months of emotional ups and downs. Cravings like I never had before, stuff shells, soft pretzels and cheese, tacos, and newest one so far is Doritos....I will be having a SMALL bag of them today! LOL!
SO I took my girls on my walk with me yesterday and let me just tell you that I have the laziest kids in the world...the first half of the park...Abby"my legs hurt, I am soooo tired i need to sit on the bench" Marissa"Wait up guys, MOMMMMMYYYYYY Wait for me" OMG! How did these kids get so lazy! I told them that we are walking the park a couple times a week! No more of my kids being lazy! Now I am not a sports type person and neither is Abby...we might have a swimmer with Abby but I think that will be all. Marissa i can see being more into sports then Abby, she has a little bit more coordination! LOL! But I love to be outdoors and walking/running/ even hiking! I was so upset! So today they are eating breakfast and we are going for a walk again....1.7 miles is not a lot to ask two kids to walk! At least I don't think so! Well I am off to beat the girls into finishing their breakfast and then to walk!
Have a great weekend!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat!
I feel like the past 3 months has been 3 months of emotional ups and downs. Cravings like I never had before, stuff shells, soft pretzels and cheese, tacos, and newest one so far is Doritos....I will be having a SMALL bag of them today! LOL!
SO I took my girls on my walk with me yesterday and let me just tell you that I have the laziest kids in the world...the first half of the park...Abby"my legs hurt, I am soooo tired i need to sit on the bench" Marissa"Wait up guys, MOMMMMMYYYYYY Wait for me" OMG! How did these kids get so lazy! I told them that we are walking the park a couple times a week! No more of my kids being lazy! Now I am not a sports type person and neither is Abby...we might have a swimmer with Abby but I think that will be all. Marissa i can see being more into sports then Abby, she has a little bit more coordination! LOL! But I love to be outdoors and walking/running/ even hiking! I was so upset! So today they are eating breakfast and we are going for a walk again....1.7 miles is not a lot to ask two kids to walk! At least I don't think so! Well I am off to beat the girls into finishing their breakfast and then to walk!
Have a great weekend!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat!
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