OK 4 months....that is how far long I am which is kinda scarey for me b/c I only have another 5 to get myslef ready for a new baby! That is really crazy! Right now I have to get stuff for School and Abby's Birhtday party which we are having at the pool....very easy and it is what she wants! The past couple days have been conplete torture for me b/c I pulled my back and I was/am in sooo much pain and can't do anything about it! I have no clue how I did it but it F@#*in' HURTS! it seems when I wake up it is ok still a little sore but not to bad then as the morning progresses it hurts more. Yesterday I did a lot and I think that might be why it is still hurting! Today I am going to sit and do nothing...well not nothing I have wash to do! BUT it is driving me crazy b/c with how nice it was the past two days in the morning I can't go out and walk! I can't do my dvds! It freaking sucks! So all I am going to do is sit and rest my hip/back.
This weekend is the Duatholon(sp) that I was supose to be training for! Kelly is still doing it and b/c of the slimly little creep who does the scheduling at B work I can't go down with her! I am upset about that B/c I wanted to go and be there with her!
On a little lighter not I had an ultrasound on monday and the tech was so funny......first thing is that she loves her job which makes going in for a vag ultrasound a lot more comforty....The baby was moving all over the place kicking and punching! and so then she asked the question...Do you want to know what it is? SURE.....now i know it is early and it can be wrong but she sounded pretty sure of the gender! As she says" now if you go buy stuff just keep the reciepts b/c it is still early....BUT it definitly looks like a scrotom sack......" I was like WHAT!!! OMG my husband is going to be so happy. then she asked what i had at home and I said two girls and the tech got so excited for me! It really made me feel good! So B wants to make sure it stays a boy so in 2 weeks I have another ultrasound and we will know AGAIN!
So off I got to SIT(blah) I hate being injured!
Enjoy your rest day was much as you can! Yes it's terrible to be injured, and yes working out makes you feel great, but there are times for rest too! Hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteKeep going girl. You can do it.