Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Struggles, Motivation, and Patience (Kelly)

So we all have our struggles and setbacks but what is important is that we don't give up and we keep going.  Jenn has had more than her share of setbacks this year already, (especially for a girl who never seems to get sick at least not sick enough to end up at the doctors or hospital) but she hasn't stopped and is still going.  I know it's not easy to find time to workout when you've been sick and recouping from surgery along with 3 kids (one a newborn) and a husband who works shift work - so I give her a lot of credit for sticking with it and running when she can - - I know she wants to be further along in her running and I know she's worried about Broad St but I think she keeps forgetting that she's not alone - - she's got me and I know I need her.  Can she do it on her own - absolutely I believe in her, can I do it on my own - absolutely but do I want to ? No - - I don't know if she realizes it but Jenn makes me a better, stronger person and with her I know we can do anything we put our minds to - Broad St, a half, a mudrun, a trip to Reading =)  - - Jenn is the one who pushed me to do more miles than I have ever done even if it was me that got her to sign up for Broad st in the first place - - I remember a night in April last year when we ran the longest we ever run in prep for Broad and I wanted to stop many times but she wouldn't let me and kept us going and wouldn't tell me how far we had already run so that I wouldn't want to stop- - I wouldn't have run that far without her - without her pushing and saying we could do it!!!   I do these runs and races to prove to myself that I can do it but also to run and accomplish goals with my best friend, my sister....without her there is no one to really share the joy with , no one who understands the stuggle, no one to motivate me, no one to look to when i'm struggling to finish and see she's not giving up and she won't let me give up.....no one gets me the way Jenn gets me.  

So while we may struggle, we may falter - we won't quit , we will keep each other motivated, and we will help each other with patience - - we will accomplish what we set out to do and we will do it together.

So to anyone that reads this find that inner strength we all have inside ourselves to accomplish any of the goals you set for yourself (doesn't have to be fitness or runs) and then if you are lucky enough to know someone like my Jenn find that person and lean on each other.

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