My middle child my daughter run the kids spartan race they bought eat her up with an older girl just said she had someone on the course with her which I thought was great. And when I I finished the race I ran over to the kids race to make sure I can see her since I thought she was going off at 2:30 but instead she went off at two. just missed her going off but I got to see her coming around the one corner and over the wall and the look on her face when she saw me she was soexcited and I was so proud. Later on that day I heard her saying how her mom climbs up on mountain and did obstacles and it was 8 miles. Made me feel good that my daughter was so proud of me.
So my friend that run with me and her nerves got the best of her for the first 4 miles. She felt that she was done she thought she was holding us back but I never leave anyone behind and if you need help I'll help. But I know how she is and I knew she was at that point where she just need to be left alone. She told us to keep going she would meet us at the bomb. It took everything in me to keep going I felt so bad I didn't like leaving her but I know it was for the best for her so she could get through it. I was hoping that she sat there for a little bit that you feel OK to continue and she did. I was so proud when I saw her walk
towards us with her metal. And I joked with her saying thank God you finish because now I don't have to do another super again. But I know if she didn't finish but we would be finding another super and I would be running it with her because there's no way I would let her do it by herself and. And not not to mention as crazy tiring and hard that that was I would so do it again because in some weird little spot in my head I had fun. I had fun challenging myself next super gonna push myself even harder. I'm going to be in better shape. I want to be able to do all the obstacles and only do the burpees if I fall. I don't want to Burpee out of any obstacles because I feel like I can't do them. I know if Kelly was with me she would've made me try them on and sometimes I need that extra push.
So what did I learn this weekend. I learned that I can do more than I think I can,my kids are proud of me,my best friend overcame one of the biggest obstacles to her because she's very strong, stronger than she thinks. And I'm never too old to challenge myself. I will continue to challenge myself until I no longer can psychically do it!
My goal is to do more and do better then Saturday!
Sorry for any lack of punctuation. I did this through voice to text
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