Monday, November 22, 2010

Let's start from the begining!

Well I thought all day about what to write next and I figured that I am going to be posting everything about my weight loss on here so I should just pick a point in my life to begin!
I feel like i have been on a weigh loss/gain journey since I was about 18.....I have tried every diet out there. Atkins(sp?), Dexatrim, Herbal Life, even tried a drink that you take and it flushes u out. I even went to one extreme and made this HUGE pot of soup that I was suppose to eat for 7 days. It was a diet for people undergoing open heart surgery would go on to help them lose some weight before hand.....the soup was sooo nasty, I would gag every time i ate it.  I last 3 days, that was NOT fun! LOL!
At one point, right before I met my husband I was I guess borderline anorexic(sp?)....I would eat once a day and then work out like crazy. My normal day would be to wake up, get ready for work, at the time i would mostly work 12-8(Ikea) I would walk to the bus stop about 6 blocks and then walk the mall to get to work. From the time I woke up till about 4ish I would eat nothing but sugar...Pepsi and pixie stix, gummy bears....then I would go on break and sometime would get a sandwich from the mall or most of the time go home and eat my mom's dinner. No one knew that I wasn't one noticed either. I look back at some pictures and now realize that yes I was skinny but my face was sick looking sunken in cheeks and dark circles under my eyes. But at the time all i cared about was that I was skinny and could wear all the cute things my friends wore.
I met my husband and I know now that he really must love to in order to meet me when I was 117 pounds and love me still at my heaviest! (and he met me with short red hair but he hates my hair red now) just a little side note!
Now I know how I got fat....for one I lost my weight way too fast and starved myself. So when the weigh started coming back on my body was storing all this fat so that it would be prepared if I did it again! And now my body doesn't want to get rid of it....LOL! There were a couple factors that I see now that helped me get was I got a car and Kelly got a Car.....we used to walk EVERYWHERE....then I started Drinking almost every night and then I got comfortable in my relationship with my husband and on came the pounds.
SOOOOOOO most of my twenties I don't remember much b/c I was drunk  most of the time..(But I know form some pictures and stories I had some gooood times!) I lost a little weight before my wedding and then the first year we were married I packed it back on.....I got on the scale one day and almost lost it! I couldn't believe that I was that heavy, now I know u want to know what it said but I am not ready to give that info out yet! I have been in that spot so many time where u think.."I could totally stick my finger down my throat and just puke everything up..I know I could stop. I wonder if I just did that when i ate something bad or ate too much, just those couple times", but I knew better then that....Damm those After school Specials...LOL!
 So I took my first baby step. Jan 2003 I went to my first weight watchers meeting and when he weighed me I will never forget what he said....."wow u carry your weight well".....which on one hand was good then peole wouldn't have known how fat i was and the other....OMG I am here to lose the weigth not get complements on how I carry my weight. I was scared and nervous. y husband was very supportive of my goals. He was very considerate when we would make dinner and ask how many points I had and stuff like that. I workout like a normal person and by april was 2 pounds away from my goal weight. I don't think that Kelly started weight watchers with me then...I am not sure...she can let you kow! Then I found out I was prego! The one good thing about being on weight watchers and then getting prego was all i wanted was fruit. That was the end of one of the many times I have been to weight watchers.
Now that is enough for you to read for now! I am going to get my book and then lay in bed read about 2 words and fall asleep!
Tomorrow I will post a little more about how I got to this point! And hopefully wrap it up so we can get to this point and everything we are doing now!

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