Well Now that was really long!!! I promise it won't be that long tonight! I will make it short and sweet!
So after I had Abby...wow..7 years ago! It has been a very long 7 years! As some of you may know Abby was born at 26 weeks. She got meningitis at 2 months of age and then that resulted in hydrocephalus(water on the brain) as a result of that she has had 14 brain surgeries and one eye surgery. She also has complex epilepsy, as a result of all her infections and brain surgeries. So needless to say since i am a stress eater.....I gained quite a bit of weight over the past 7 years. At first after she was born I went down in my weight and then when I was so stressed out and stopped producing milk I started to gain weight. So every time we go to CHOP I try not to eat, but it is very hard b/c that is my comfort...especially since there is a McDonald's right in the hospital! I eat when I get stresses, upset, angry, depressed, sad. I also drink when I get all those things too, and Sometime smoke cigarettes....maybe I should start smoking other stuff..LOL!! (Only kidding Kelly) I know that B(husband) really loves e b/c even at my heaviest he still loved me and told me I was beautiful....even though I don't believe him.....I went through some really tough time s with ABby and even went on meds to try and help my nervousness(sp). So I think I have been at Weight watchers at least 5 other times. But now I am determined to get to goal this time. B got laid off over the summer so that gave me some more me time. More time for me to go and workout and get into shape. So this summer Kelly and I ventured on our first boot camp. After that we both realized that working out is great...BUT we have to eat healthy too......usually it is the other way around for people....U eat healthy first then workout but us fat kids like the food too much! I definitely recommend that if you are going to start a weight loss plan start one with a friend or meet someone there! IT is a huge help to have someone to go with and have to yell at and to just support u when u hav a bad day or Even good day! even with working out. I find that I work out harder when Kelly is with me. I run harder, try to keep up with the younger girl get tough for an old lady like me!
But Kelly is right..I do better at the eating then she does and she does better at working out! So together we are a great team. But there are time that i say...Kel' Junkyard fries? and she says.....OK......only kidding she has told me no. and other time that i called and said I am coning over to run and even though she doesn't want to she does it anyway! It is a huge help to have a partner to workout with and to call about what to eat! And it help me too to have B ask me everyday if I am on my points and if I am writing things down...he has been very supportive. I think he is sick of me paying someone $14 a week to weigh me...LOL! He wants me to get to goal so I don't have to pay anymore! AND I AM GOING TO THIS TIME!
SO this is about 4 months into my final weight loss jounrney and I am down 13.4 pounds and can run 3-4 miles!! Never thought I could run at all! And here I am running 3 miles almost every weekend since OCT.
I find that when I am feeling depressed if I workout it helps. there are days tha I just want to sit in the corner with my book and read and not talk to anyone....and sometime u need a Day like that and tha is fine. as long as u get back on track the next day!
So my first piece of advice for all who want to do something to change your life.......FIND YOUR SUPPORT! Find that person/s who will be there through the ups, downs and arounds....and maybe they will join u on your adventure! because with us it is always an adventure!
Good night! Sleep Tight don't let the bed bugs bite! LOL!
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