SO I have had a headache everyday for the past week and it is getting old!!! I pushed myself through my workout this morning and then wanted to collapse! I definitely think it is my sinuses. What else could give me this unbelievable pressure in my head! The only thing that seems to help is if I lay down and close my eyes or caffeine! I can't lay down all day b/c I have to care and play with my girls! So I am stuck with caffeine which i was trying to stay away from drinking a lot of it for my diet! So I limited myself to about 20ozs a day and I have to stretch that all out for the whole day!!! UGH! I am also spitting out nice green and yellow mucus! I know I know TMI! But i had to tell someone! LOL!
Went and saw hangover 2 last night and have to say it was similar to the first in the way the story went but still just as funny! I will be having a new song on my ring tone i am sure once I figure out how to do all that! LOL! Well off to shop a little and drop the girls at my dads and then work! Have a great day everyone!
Pain is the fear leaving your body, fear=fat!!
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