Friday, March 9, 2012

Trucking along! (jenn)

Well this has been a hard couple days for me. My dog, Rocky, passed away! He was a crazy and neurotic dog but I loved him and he was great! It has been hard for me, but I am not going to stop, I am going to get through this and keep running! Even though yesterday I went for my run and i cried almost though out the whole thing. On top of that I have a cold. I will get through this and it is going to take time for my heart to stop hurting. But I have my most awesome Husband, Brian and Best friend, Kelly who were with me all day when he went to doggie heaven. I also have the best parents and brother(who knew that would ever come out of my mouth) and family in thew world. The support and memories that we all have in raising Rocky will always be remembered! We had a little run down memory lane last night remembering some of the crazy things he has done! I know that they will all be there for me, we are all dog lovers so that will help too! And if I ever feel lonely I will go and visit Molsen or Bruce. Or just kidnap them and run away! Only Kidding!
ON to my training now that I had my second crying session today! So far so good!
Me getting back into the running isn't about the being out of shape it is the breathing. I have to teach myself how to breath again. On top of having to train I have a cold. I feel like crap and don't want to run but I am not letting anything else come in my way of running. I feel like my head is about to explode and my body feels restless and achy...but I am going to keep on training! I figure I will sweat it all out of me! My goal is to be up to 4 miles but the end of the month and then April will be an insane training month to get to 8.5 or 9 before broad street! 
I have Kelly who is inspiring me to keep at it! With her losing her weight and staying focused on her working out that makes me want to keep doing it too. It is a little harder this time around b/c of Brian's schedule and me breastfeeding but, i try and run with her or go to the gym with her when the time allows it! which this past week it hasn't! LOL! But I am still running and so is she!

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