Tuesday, June 30, 2015

MOre training!!

From my last post I have been training every day. We went to spring mountain for a run and carries.
that was actually fun to do especially in the rain.
We ran on a trail in the woods and then after that we carried a bucket of rocks sandbags and water jugs up the hill. THEN we ran/walked up this giant hill that our instructor told us is what the Beast will be like the whole up hill! I was like WOW!!! I would love to go back there every week and practice that hill! I think after the Super and Sprint I will go there as much as I can to run it! I would like to be able to run up that entire hill.
I got the rope and Hung it up! Doing some exercises on the rope every day!
Yesterday we took the kids to Peace Valley and rented a paddle boat for an hour.....whew that was tiring on my legs. I was tired from the workout but my legs feel good today!
Going to do the workout that our trainer gave us.....

 Running (or walk/run) 2-3 times a week
30 Burpees per day

10 - Pull-ups (jumping, assist, or inverted rows),
 Lunges -10 each leg, 
10 Dips, 
10 Push-ups (do on knees if you cannot get chest close to ground), 
10 Knees to Elbows (hanging from a pull up bar, pull knees to elbows), 
Ground touches (10 on each leg) standing on 1 leg  and if you can find something to step up on or box jump - 10 Box jumps or Box Step-ups (10 each leg).  
Do 3-5 sets of this series of exercises with 1-2 min break in between each set.

Now I am looking for a pull up bar to use! LOL!
Off to workout and garden and do hair today! Then off to work tonight!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Lots of women like shopping for clothes and shoes! Now don't get me wrong I like to shop for a good pair of shoes now and then.....BUTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ordered a rope...yes a rope! One that we are going to tie up in a tree and climb! I cant wait for it to come in! It is a very strange thing to be excited about but now I can learn adn practive climbing a rope!  I am also going to ask a friend of mine for a tractor tire to flip....
Oh the things I look forward to now that i am training for an OCR! The bonus is that the kids will love to climb the rope and help them workout too!
They are all going to do a spartan race at some point...my oldest did hers last year along with my middle. And my son is too young just yet!
My 7year old is so excited to do them, she told me the other day that she has to run in order to get ready for 3 spartan races, down and dirty, a color run and the ugly sweater run at the end of the year! Love that she is planning out her runs for the year!
Well off to get some housework done, kids journal entry done, and maybe take Marissa out for a run!
Too nice of a day to stay inside!

More Training!

Good Morning!!!!
June 23, 2015

Last night we had another Class at Urban Fit! It was hot, tough and fun at the same time!
I have 2 bruises and that is just from climbing the walls!
I really am enjoying the classes though! I like pushing myself and feeling the burn the next day!

Today I practiced my swimming at the pool. I did one lap and then some drills back and forth for about 10 mins. They pool we go to has a 15 min adult swim every hour so anytime we are there I will practice.
Work tonight! FUN!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Working out!

So on Saturday we went to a workout class at Urban Fit.  This is a 6 class Spartan train class.
It will help us get in better shape and teach us how to do the obstacles. Our Instructor was great I can't wait till the next class. I have only done one spartan and that was last year at Blue Mountain.
I was suppose to do the Citizen Bank Stadium one but I hurt my back and had my husband do it!
This Year we are getting our Trifectia. Which is running a Sprint, Super and Beast! All three of these will be Mountain runs which means lots of up hill.
At the workout yesterday I surprised myself with some things that I thought I wasn't able to do and I did them,
I was very proud of Kelly that she climbed the rope. I couldn't I think I froze. I was afraid to lets go of the rope with my hands and just swung there. I talked to my husband and I think we are going to look at my tree out back and see if we can put a rope in it to climb. I would be very excited to do that! I am also working on him to build me a wall. That is something that intimidates me when I am looking at it. I got over the 4 and 5 foot one...I would like to get over the 6 foot on without help. that may be a stretch since I am only 5'2" but something I can work on.
So now my plan is lots of running up hills and more weights(which is what I have been doing but want to make sure i get 3 days a week at least).
Here is a video of what a spartan Race looks like.....yes we are crazy and yes we are nuts!
Blue Mountain Spartan

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Long time!

So it has been a long time since we have been on here but we are still working out and running!
Let see  my son is now three, my girls are 11 and 7. 
We are now hooked on OCR.....obstacle course races! 
We like the Spartan ones because of the community feel, the motivation and the challenge! 
Tonight we did a five mile trials run...it was hard as hell and I walked all the up hills. 
This kinda kicked my ass a little to get my but out there and run more! I have been lifting weights and feel my self getting stronger. 
I hurt my back last year and sat in pain for months till I got it looked at I have two herniated discs in my upper back! Which really sucks. But making my back stronger and keeping my posture straight will help! I have been good at reminding myself to keep my back straight and told my girls that they need to keep good posture or they will end kup with back problems.
This year I have been getting sick a lot too. Which is making me not run as much. But I am going to the doctors to get a full checkup.....
Summer is here and I have already mill in my. Room so there is no excuse. I would like to run the philly half again this year,  so I have to get my butt in gear! 
Going to get my husband to help me get in shape and lose this thirty pounds! 
Well off to get the monkies to bed! 
I have lots more to say but won't bore you, well whoever is reading this!
Here is my first Spartan medal

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Broad street 2015

Broad street run 2015
So being that I wasn't too concerned about my time for broad street this year my friend Joe and I decided to have fun with it and take some awesome and funny pictures! Since it was still early we couldn't get a snack but if it was open Taco Bell or churches chicken was going to have some early morning runners! 
This was probably one of the most fun I had on a run, besides Disney of course! 