Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanks to our few followers that told me that they don't know who is writing me or Kelly. I guess I didn't think of that! LOL!
Monday after the Holidays....I feel fat, sick and tired......I am starting to stress about shopping and money.  But I woke up today and went spinning! Now I didn't even think about this today till I talked to Kelly a little later on....I was talking to Kelly in the beginning of Spinning class and we were warming up,...the instructor was not talking or anything and I(we) think she yelled at us for talking......Ummmm who says I can't talk during a spinning class! She has a microphone on so it isn't like she has to talk over us and we were yelling or anything!! And I don't even remember what i said to her but they were questions it wasn't like we were having an in depth conversation about world peace or something! Any thoughts on that?!
Another thought today.....who eats more when they ovulate? I feel like I am Pms'ing when i ovulate and want to eat everything in sight....But i didn't today and figured out that if I keep the munchies foods out of the upstairs fridge I won't remember that i have it and won't eat it...and I might be too lazy to go down and get it! LOL!
I ma having a hard time getting myself out of my funk...I am not going to come on this blog and tell you that eating healthy and working out , with two kids, is easy.  It isn't! Even without kids...unless you are crazy psycho personal trainer person...working out is not always fun..I try to make it fun....I am now looking to find some other deals on Boot Camps. Nothing too far or crazy $$. I like to spin and want to keep doing that but I am afraid that I am going to get bored with it...I also have to kick my a$$ to run more now that i won't be able to do any runs this month! I know that everyone struggles with eating right and working out! I know that it is easier said then done.....I can preach a good game and then turn around and drink and eat my face off and get fat again! That is something I don't want to do.....ever...ever ever!!! It really does help to have someone tell you that you are doing a good job or that they are proud of you.  It is a HUGE help to work out and go to WW meeting with someone....And we are going to have our days where we don't want to do anything and just be lazy! Give yourself that ONE day only if you know that the next day you will get right back on track and keep going. That is one of my struggles...I had a bad day at the scale and i am now trying to get myself out of my slump......What do I do.....I don't know! Sometimes I get depressed about it and don't want to do anything but eat...Now my goal this week is to take my anger, frustration and depression out by working out! I notice that i feel good after i work makes me feel better about myself!
My advice today.....don't get mad, frustrated....just get back on track and go to the gym and beat out the frustration on the treadmill, weights, pool....anything! JUST GO!!!

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