Friday, December 3, 2010


Now you all know that we are not super Women....we try but we have our down points too....we both got into a rut with work, kids and it is our jobs to help each other out and get our asses moving..
Kelly doens't want to get on the scale tomorrow....I think (and going to make her) get on the scale...I don't care if she is lifetime or not..You need to get on that scale to see the number.....make that your Dr Doofemshmirtz.....whatever that number is is your evil twin that you are going to crush next week!
My goal for next week....workout more, EAT MUCH MUCH BETTER! and Try not to stress...
We will do goal is to get to lifetime.....and keep Kelly at her goal....LET"S DO THIS!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello ladies..Just saw your blog, very cool!
    Just read the most recent posts and I must say it sounds as though you are being a bit (WAY)too hard on yourselves...body needs a break from the regimented training/eating schedule that you have been on for a while. It's Okay! Go with it, enjoy your families, sleep, eat ( within reason)just recover.. and then in a week or two you will be refeshed to come back strong and most importantly enjoy running and training again.
    Maybe instead of running this week go for a hike,run around the park with your kids etc..
    Sometimes it's really okay to just chill.
    Mery Christmas~Megan
