Friday, December 3, 2010

sooooo tired and soooo stressed......(Kelly)

This week sucked!!! I was off to a good start with my 5mile run on Sat but then it just fell apart. I've been soooo stupidly busy at work the past couple of days - I spent 12 hours looking at the same spreadsheets over and over and now I'm waiting on a customer to tell me if they are right or if i have to do them again...AHHH!!!!!  Besides that stress I'm such a procrastinator that I didn't write my paper that is due today for a rough draft.  I was going to do it last night but I was so tired from work and staring at a screen that I just couldn't do it.  Hopefully I'll get some time today to do it - - I got sleep last night and I feel better this morning. 

As far as working out goes I tried to work out everyday but yesterday it wasn't possible and this morning in spinning my knees hurt so bad that I had to get off the bike and go to the hot tub.  I don't know what's going on with my knees but it needs to stop. 

Eating this week has been horrible - I've eaten like a pig for real.  Not just that I'm not writing down - I've eaten nothing but bad food all week.  Don't know why but it's gotta stop - I don't feel as good when I eat bad both mentally and physically.   So starting tomorrow I'm going to use the new program to get back on track with eating next week. 

Gotta get back to work and paper writing ......

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