Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Love hate relationship(jenn)

Today is the first day I have attempted to run in a month and a half. and lets just say that I missed it...but I still hate it! I know that doesn't make any sense but that is how it is! I am not allowed to run like I used to...(let see how many people read my blog)....My OB Doctor told me to take my pace slower since I am 3 months prego! So Since I haven't ran in a while I walked and ran....I took my time and didn't push myself to hard and didn't do any up hills....I made all my walking up hill and all my running downhill or flat!
Now since I spilled the beans a week early....this will explain why I haven't been on here that much because I don't like to lie about working out! I am NOT allowed to do the insanity workouts..BOO! B/c i miss them! But i did get two other workout DVD's that I am doing...the picture next to this is one of them. The other one is with Summer Sanders she is some Olympic swimmer. I like them both a lot but I like Erin's personality better. So I have been doing both of them and alternating days with them. And when my husband is home I will be running in the morning instead. I love being outdoors and we are at the pool a lot but I am not a swimmer. So I can't just start swimming now...I am also not allowed to ride my bike...80(......So Kelly got a little mad at me b/c I won't be able to do the Duathalon with her in July. I was a little upset too, but I am realizing that I am a sick human being b/c I am looking forward to pushing myself next year after the baby is born and preparing myself for the warrior dash and more mud runs!!! This is why I am keeping in shape during this pregnancy so it won't be so hard to lose the weight afterwards. Erin's workout also has a postnatal workout for after wards which I am looking forward to doing! I am going to have a c-section so i won't be able to fully workout right away but as soon as I get the green light....INSANITY I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR BUTT!!! I really did enjoy those workouts and as long as YOU EAT RIGHT(GIRLS, you know who I am talking too) you will see am improvement. I was seeing an improvement in everything but my belly...but them I realized that there was a reason for that and it wasn't going to go away! But what i think is awesome is that it is just all baby belly, it isn't fat and I actually have lines on the sides that I think may be some ab muscles!!!! BUT I popped out so fast this time! WOW! I will post a picture in about a week! Sunday I will officially be 12 weeks....and I hope that being tired all the time will go away and also the nausea....these two things have been killing me the past couple months!
So my entries will be about working out and growing a baby all at the same time....80)
Pain is the fear leaving your body, Fear=fat

1 comment:

  1. Yay! you're "out"! Now I can say CONGRATS (out loud, that is!)

    Keep up the good work and just remember baby belly is beautiful belly! (Whether it's abs or a little fat, who cares?!?!)

    (I'm so happy for you!!!)
