Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Good morning everyone! Well i hope everyone else is having a good morning b/c I just got my ass handed to me by a workout dvd!!!
Well lets start from the beginning! It has been a long time since I have blogged. I have been a  little stressed the past month or so...first it was training for the broad street run! Which I am proud to say Kelly and I finished it together at 1 hour 53 mins.....I wanted to be under 2 hours and it was...lol. Not by much but still it was under! Next year we would like to cut that time down to 1 1/2 hours. Which I think is totally possible. But we also, b/c we are crazy, want to do other events. We would like to try to do a Mud run with obstacle, and there is a triathlon in august that we want to do too. So since we have been doing nothing but running we thought we need to get the rest of our body's in shape in order to climb walls and swing on ropes and crap like that.....So we(Kelley, Stacey and i) started the INSANITY workout. Today was only day two but WOW, it really kicked my ass and I am looking forward to Sunday b/c that is my day off!
So after stressing about broad street I then started to stress about Abby and her school.....Long story made short....b/c of her learning disabilities they feel she would do better in an other school. At first that was a scary thing for me b/c we like the school she is in.....but we have to do what is right for her. So i have had some up and down days and eating has not been good..........I have gained back any weight I had lost from before.
That was very hard for me to admit...i am embarrassed, ashamed and feeling like i let myself down!
What I thougth was funny was that Kelly read an article that said you can be fit and Fat...I started thinking...but in the long run i am not happy being over weight. I tried telling myself that it is not a big deal. But for some reason it is to me! I want to keep this weight off and being a stress eater it is hard!
I know that A LOT of people yo yo with their diets like I do. And every time I say this is it...i am going to get to my goal and stay there.....then once I start hearing people say...WOW you look great...I start to slack. I almost want people to shut up and when am where i want to be then they can tell me how great I look! LOL! I know that sounds f'ed up but that is me! LOL! I want to be able to put on clothes and feel good about it and not....wow this is too tight or this shows my fat. I know I won't be model material...but I just want to feel good about myself. So my biggest challenge right now is to not eat when I get stressed!  I am going to work on that and working out 66 days a week!
And with being supportive for both Kelly and Stacey and having their support is going to be a big help!
I have to go stretch some more b/c I feel like my muscles are going to explode!
Have a great day everyone! I will try and post something if not everyday but maybe every other!!!
And maybe when we are done the INSANE workout! We will post some before and after pictures.....That is a BIG maybe!!!

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